Sligo Weekender

Concern over impact of statements being made by ministers on referendum


Dear Editor,

Below is the complaint I have sent to the Electoral Commission.

It is a very serious matter that could certainly effect the outcome of the referendum. It’s hard to believe that two ministers would show such contempt for the people of Sligo, Leitrim and surroundin­g areas. I am asking all our County Councillor­s and TDs to urgently raise this matter at the highest level.

To the Electoral Commission

On a recent interview on Ocean Fm Minister Donnelly when promoting a Yes vote in the upcoming referendum said: “We have to get rid of this archaic language of a woman’s place being in the home”.

“On the previous day on the same radio show Minister Humphreys made a similar comment when promoting a Yes vote .

“This is very misleading and disingenuo­us as this is not in the article that we are being asked to vote on.

“I don’t believe that it’s any coincidenc­e that both Ministers made this type of comment and I am very concerned that they may be promoting this seriously, incorrect statement around the country to promote a Yes vote.

“It certainly could be seen that this is a deliberate attempt to affect the outcome of the referendum.

“This is a very serious matter and one that might well be replicated throughout the country.

“At the very least I would expect both ministers to publicly, on the same radio show, apologise and correct this misleading comment.”


Bernie O’Hara Greaghnafa­rna Dromahair

Co. Leitrim


This week I have gone with homemade Jaffa cakes. So simple to make and if you don’t like orange, raspberry or strawberry is another option.Whatever you fancy really. I tend to set my jelly in a Swiss roll tray as its easier to cut out the round discs.


For the jelly

• 1 x 135g packet orange jelly

• 150ml/5fl oz boiling water

• 1 small orange, finely grated zest only

For the sponge

• unsalted butter, for greasing

• 1 large free-range egg

• 25g/1oz caster sugar

• 25g/1oz self-raising flour, sifted

For the topping

• 180g/6¼oz plain chocolate (about 36% cocoa solids)


1. For the jelly, break the jelly into pieces and place in a small bowl. Pour over the boiling water and stir until the jelly is completely dissolved. Add the orange zest, then pour into a shallow 30x20cm/12x8in tray. Chill in the fridge for 1 hour, or until set.

2. Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 180C/160C Fan/Gas 4 and grease a 12-hole, shallow bun tin with butter.

3. For the sponge, whisk the egg and sugar together for 4-5 minutes until pale and fluffy, then gently fold in the flour. Fill each well in the bun tin three-quarters full

(about a dessert spoonful per hole) and smooth the tops. Bake for 7-9 minutes, or until well risen and the top of the sponges spring back when lightly pressed. Leave to cool in the tray for a few minutes then finish cooling on a wire rack.

4. To assemble, break the chocolate into pieces then melt in a bowl set over a pan of gently simmering water. Remove the bowl from the heat and leave to cool and thicken slightly.

5. Turn the jelly out onto a sheet of nonstick baking parchment. Cut 12 discs from the orange jelly using a 5cm/2in round cutter. Sit one jelly disc on top of each sponge.

6. Spoon the melted chocolate over the jelly discs. Using the tips of the tines of a fork or a skewer, lightly press to create a criss-cross pattern on top of the chocolate, then leave to set completely. You may need to reheat the chocolate a little if it starts to set before you have finished all the jaffa cakes.

I topped of orange cupcakes with these cakes the weekend and may I say they were delicious.

Hope you all enjoying the stretch in the evenings and the bright sunny days put everyone in good form

I hope you enjoy making this recipe. Any questions please email me on, I’m happy to help. Back next week with more recipes, tips and advice.

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