Sligo Weekender

Urgent action needed to address “scandalous” backlog for apprentice­s’ training - SF Cllr


SINN Féin Cllr Arthur Gibbons has warned "scandalous" backlogs for apprentice­s' training must be urgently addressed.

Figures show just under 9,000 apprentice­s are currently waiting for off-the-job training. Of these, almost 4,000 have been waiting for more than 6 months.

Cllr Gibbons (pictured right) said: "These delays are scandalous and totally unacceptab­le.

“I am regularly contacted by apprentice­s and their parents who are deeply anxious and distressed by these delays. They are left in limbo and feel badly let down by the government.

"Apprentice­s are crucial to the Irish economy and ensuring homes can be built. Failing to support them is yet another sign of the government's short sighted and chaotic inability to plan and deliver affordable homes. We are in the middle of a housing crisis and the government should be doing everything possible to ensure homes can be built.

"Several apprentice­s have told me that they fear they will have no option but to emigrate due to these delays.

"Meanwhile, we have a Higher Education Minister who is asleep at the wheel.

“Minister Harris seems intent on focusing on glossy PR launches and re-announceme­nts of existing schemes to get headlines. He should focus less on his own spin and open his eyes to the reality that apprentice­s are facing.

"My Sinn Féin colleagues in the Dail have repeatedly raised this issue with Minister Harris and will continue to outline the need for urgent action. A Sinn Féin government would stand up for apprentice­s and end the scandal of these unacceptab­le delays.

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