Sligo Weekender

Taoiseach’s comments on Gaza statistics should also apply to abortions in Ireland


A Chara,

On Monday, March 11 Harry Magee had a very informativ­e report about an Taoiseach Leo Varadkar's speech in the U.S. It was a very compassion­ate and profound speech.

The Taoiseach said ''the cries of the innocents will haunt us forever if we stay silent''.

He was talking about Gaza Children being killed. He said '' no child gave their consent to be killed ''and ''also the life of a child is the greatest gift of all, childhood should be a blessing,when thousands of children are being killed no should avert their eyes''.

The above statements from theTaoisea­ch are very noble and true

Here in Ireland between 2018 and 2022 a total of 26,008 unborn human beings, female and male have been killed by abortions. The only difference between the children killed in Gaza and the 26,008 killed Ireland is a matter of months or a small number of years .

No human lives should be snuffed out especially the most innocent and vulnerable.

The Taoisesch shows great compassion and rightly so towards the Gaza Children and according to

UNICEF 136 Children are killed each day. In one 30 day period 4,100 innocent Children were killed.

In Syria 12,000 Children were killed between 2011 and 2022 and 560 in Ukraine from February 2022 and November 2023.

More than 10,000 Children have been killed by Israeli airstrikes and ground operations in Gaza after 100 days of violence according to the Ministry of Health in Gaza with thousands more missing presumed buried under rubble.

According to UN ICF, 1,000 children in Gaza have lost one or both of their legs, many having been amputated without anaestheti­c and will require lifetime care.

The Taoiseach also said ''if we are not consistent if we do not see and respect the equal value of a child of Israe land a child of Palestine then the global south , most of the World in fact will not listen when we call for them to stand by the rules and institutio­ns that are the bedrock of a civilised world we will be losers and our world will be infinitely less secure'' he stated.

The Taoiseach shows deep compassion towards the innocent Gaza childrens' lives. Now in Ireland more innocent unborn children have been killed than in Gaza and Syria combined .

If the Irish government and people are to be consistent then I call on the Taoiseach and government and people of Ireland to reverse the Irish abortion killings.

Would any of the TDs in Dáil Eireann vote to kill Gaza children ? Are not Irish unborn girls and boys deserving to be cherished equally as in the Irish Proclamati­on?

We as a nation should look again at the prevailing attitudes towards unborn human lives , an attitude that compromise­s on essential human, moral and social values on the basis of the lowest common denominato­r. Ireland is not cherishing all its children equally until unecessary abortion ends.

It is so inconsiste­nt that the Irish State is financiall­y supporting the killing of Irish unborn children when the opposite should be happening

No referendum result or Dáil should be allowed to initiate the destructio­n of human life.


Thomas Banks, Templenabr­ee, Knocknahur, Co Sligo

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