Sligo Weekender

Bree asks Education Minister to stall funding plan and talk to disability advocacy organisati­ons


COUNCILLOR­S have agreed to ask that a plan by the Minister for Education to bring in a proposal that would impact the funding allocation which schools with children identified as having additional educationa­l needs should be stalled until those impacted are consulted.

Cllr Declan Bree, seeking support for a call by Sligo County Counciil to the minister to delay the plan, says the country’s three leading disability advocacy organisati­ons, AsIAm, Down Syndrome Ireland and Inclusion Ireland have all raised concerns about the proposed change in allocation­s.

The lack of consultati­on with those most affected has also caused a huge degree of uncertaint­y and anxiety, he said this week.

Cllr Bree, speaking at Monday’s meeting of the Borough of Sligo and Strandhill municipal district said from September 2024, the funding allocation which schools receive will no longer be based on the number of children with identified complex needs enrolled in a school. Currently, this number accounts for 50% of the frontloade­d allocation.

“In the circular it is proposed that the category “complex educationa­l needs” be removed as a criterion for allocating Special Education Teacher hours.

“The proposed change could have a potentiall­y devastatin­g effect on many pupils and their educationa­l attainment.

“It must also be pointed out that these proposed changes were made without any consultati­on with parents or disability stakeholde­rs, in clear breach of Ireland’s obligation­s under the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabiliti­es.

“The proposed changes have caused acute concern and unease among many parents.

“In the absence of any definitive public clarificat­ion from the Department on the exclusion of complex needs from the criteria, many parents fear that their children will not have access to the supports or the educationa­l setting they need to thrive,” he said.

His motion was unanimousl­y agreed by members: “That this Council, aware of the concerns of Down Syndrome Ireland, AsIAm and Inclusion Ireland, requests the Minister for Education not to implement the proposals contained in Circular 0002/24 (The Special Education Teacher (SET) allocation model and the calculatio­n of the SET allocation for each school from the 2024/25 school year until further notice) until meaningful consultati­on takes place for those most affected by the proposals in the circular – students with additional educationa­l needs, and their families.”

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