Sligo Weekender

Sligo Property Tax paying public want to know why their footpaths can’t be repaired


Entrance to Marymount.

CLLR Tom MacSharry said people who pay their Property Tax cannot understand why their roads and footpaths are not resurfaced where required.

He said councillor­s had previously sought to have an input into where the Property Tax monies would be spent, and he suggested this should be enacted if not resumed.

He made his comments in response to a call by fellow councillor Rosaleen O’Grady who asked the Council to assess the footpaths and road at Marymount, Sligo and to repair it as required.

Cllr O’Grady welcomed a response from the Council which indicated footpaths and roadways at Marymount will be surveyed and considered for inclusion in future Roads Programmes, if deemed appropriat­e. Delivery of any such schemes will be dependent on the availabili­ty of adequate funding streams.

Supporting her motion, Cllr Tom

MacSharry said estates like Marymount should have their footpaths done and their roads done properly. At times the work is done piecemeal, filling potholes, but Marymount is definitely one that should be considered for “a full MOT so to speak”.

Thomas Kerins, SCC, said there had been an assignment to local works via the Property Tax over the last three years. “The Local property Tax, to be clear on that, does go towards the footpath enhancemen­t, €80,000 in the Borough area and €20,000 in the Strandhill area within this area. There are six locations this year in the urban area, and we will certainly include Marymount for further programmes of work.”

Cllr MacSharry: “It’s good that you said that and said it loud and clear, because sometimes people do not understand that the Property Tax does go to local footpaths.”

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