Sligo Weekender

Until firearms are silenced, tears will be the currency that pays for the cartridges


Dear Editor,

People are weeping in Moscow as bombs and cartridges have spewed their lethal hate into the fabric of the city.

Those conducting a self-proclaimed war have decided that their dogma is worth destroying people's lives for.

Irish society should not be lulled into thinking that firearms incidents only happen in faraway countries.

While Ireland's firearm owning community is small in size the potential for a member within its ranks to run amok within a public setting exists.

Firearms are entrenched in society. Their existence is a reminder that a lethal monster has been conceived and birthed.

Firearm ownership draws in the flotsam of society; people searching for an identity and a way of expressing their view of how society should operate.

Society allows the firearm ownership community a platform to create a climate of acceptance of having and using firearms for recreation while ignoring the inherent dangers of these lethal weapons.

The fact the firearms owners are allowed to blast away at the non-humans of society acts as safety insulation blanket.

We can relax as the pent-up aggression and physiologi­cal issues of firearms owners are projected onto non-human targets.

Within their cordite-soaked mind, gun squeezers project themselves as defenders of free society.

For them, the solution to any problem they encounter can be found within a cartridge casing.

Despite strict firearms laws, firearms, both legal and illegal, are held while flowing like water through the veins of Irish society.

Held by people that need the weight of a firearm to feel alive and who are a safety catch slip away from proving their macho credential­s.

Until firearms are silenced, tears will be the currency that pays for the cartridges.


John Tierney

Campaigns Director Associatio­n of Hunt Saboteurs PO Box 4734

Dublin 1

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