Sligo Weekender

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Suspended sentence and sixyear ban for driver

A 32-year-old man copped both a suspended jail sentence and a sixyear disqualifi­cation from driving.

Felipe Reis Fernandes (32), Aisling Geal, Charlevill­e, Co. Cork, was charged with no insurance, driving while disqualifi­ed and driving without a driver's licence at Summerhill, Sligo on December 29, 2023.

Sgt Derek Butler told the Court that on the day in question at 7.35pm, a vehicle driven by the defendant approached a Garda checkpoint, turned his car around and drove up.

Upon catching up and stopping the vehicle, Garda establishe­d that the driver – Fernandes – had no insurance, no driver's licence and had been disqualifi­ed for four years back in October 2022.

It was disclosed to the Court that Fernandes had four previous conviction­s.

Defence solicitor, John Anderson, told the court his client had “no valid reason” to drive the car and knows he shouldn't drive uninsured.

Judge Éiteáin Cunningham told Fernandes: “Should you appear before this court again on a similar charge, you will face a custodial sentence.”

Fernandes was disqualifi­ed from driving for six years and given a three-month jail sentence to be suspended for 12 months.

Community service for drugs possession offence

A man pleaded guilty at the District Court on charges of possession and theft.

Lee Young of Garavogue Villas, Sligo, was charged with possession of €250 worth of heroin at Martin Savage Terrace on June 8, 2022.

He was also charged with stealing one coaster holder value €25 and one Harper Gem sculpture value €55 from Next, Quayside Shopping Centre, on April 9, 2022.

Young was also charged with possession of cannabis herb at Garavogue Villas on April 20 2021.

Sgt Derek Butler disclosed to the Court that Young had 26 previous conviction­s.

Defence solicitor, Gerry McGovern, told the Court that since being arrested and charged, his client has engaged with all services made available to him. He added that while Young has had difficulti­es in the past with substance abuse, he was “clean now” and has “fully co-operated with the Probation Service”.

Judge Éiteáin Cunningham sentenced Young to a total 160 hours of community service.

Life choices leaving man at “end of the road”

A 21-year-old man who avoided being sent to prison was told by Judge Éiteáin Cunningham that he's “at the end of the road with regard to your life choices”.

Alan Fahy of Chestnut Close, Clonbalt Woods, Longford, was charged with possession of three deals of MDMA at a total value €150 at Quay Street, Sligo on October 11, 2020.

He was also charged that on a date unknown between October 10 and

11, 2020 at Mulberry Park, Sligo he handled stolen property including a public services card, AIB debit card and Revolut card belonging to an injured party.

Defence solicitor, John Anderson, asked the Court for a Probation bond to be applied.

Judge Éiteáin Cunningham added: “You're a grown man and it's time you took responsibi­lity for your actions.”

Fahy was put on a Probation bond for 12 months – with a bail bond set at €200 – and was given 80 hours community service.

Case struck out but judge warns this is last chance

A 21-year-old has had his drug possession charge struck out but left court with a stern warning from the Judge.

Eoin Rapple of Asseraro Falls, Ballyshann­on, Co. Donegal, was charged with possession of cocaine at Lola Montez, JFK Parade, Sligo, on December 8, 2022.

Defence solicitor, Tom MacSharry, told the court that his client at the time of the offence was “a very foolish young man” who made full admissions to the offence and brought €300 to court to donate to charity.

Judge Éiteáin Cunningham struck the case out and ordered that the aforementi­oned €300 be donated to Hope House. She told Rapple: “I'm striking the matter out but this will be the only chance you'll get in court.”

Motorist fined but avoids disqualifi­cation

A driver who drove without insurance has been fined.

Jack Higgins of Culfadda, Ballymote, Co. Sligo, was charged with no insurance at Creamery Road, Ballymote on October 22, 2023.

Sgt Derek Butler told the Court that on the date in question, Garda stopped a Volkswagen Golf car. They noticed the driver – Higgins – not wearing a seatbelt.

Higgins did not have a certificat­e of insurance on his person and was told to produce it to a Garda station within 10 days. He did not do so.

The defence solicitor told the

Court that their client “stupidly thought that his parents had organised the insurance for him for the car – they had not done so”. They added that Higgins offers his apologies to the Court.

Judge Éiteáin Cunningham fined Higgins €250 and added: “There is no disqualifi­cation but if you come before this Court on a similar charge, then you run the risk of one.”

A 34-year-man found in possession of €3,000 worth of cannabis has been told he can make a €1,000 donation to charity or risk being brought back to Court for sentencing.

Ciarán Fitzgerald of Pearse Road Lower, Co. Sligo, was charged with possession of cannabis for the purpose of selling or otherwise at Aughamore Near, Sligo on December 26, 2019.

It was disclosed to the court that Fitzgerald had three previous conviction­s.

Defence solicitor, Tom MacSharry, told the court that his client had fully co-operated with the Garda and that Fitzgerald did not show the “traditiona­l badges of (drug) dealing”.

He added the badges that were not there were cash, scales and bags. Mr MacSharry went on to say that it had been more than four years since the offence and Fitzgerald has engaged fully with the Probation Service.

Fitzgerald himself took to the witness box and told the Court that he was on “another trajectory to my life now” and that “I just want to put my head down and look after my two young boys”. He concluded by saying, “my probation officer was really helpful in helping me get my life together”.

Judge Éiteáin Cunningham told Fitzgerald: “I do accept that you have taken every step. However, the difficulty here is the huge implicatio­ns for you if I apply a conviction.

“I am inclined though, due to your exceptiona­l circumstan­ces, to look at the option of you making a charitable donation. If you pay by July 11 (2024), I will strike this matter out. If not, you will be back in Court with the prospect of a conviction.”

Fitzgerald was told to make a donation of €1000 to Sligo Cancer Support.

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