Sligo Weekender

Former TD takes aim at plans to convert theatre into library in Ballymote

- By Matt Leslie

A FORMER TD has lashed out against plans to convert Ballymote’s Art Deco Theatre into a new library.

John Perry, who was a SligoLeitr­im TD for Fine Gael between 1997 to 2016, spoke out after the announceme­nt last week that €1.3million had been allocated by the Department of Rural & Community Developmen­t to revamp the former cinema and relocate there the existing library which is situated on Teeling Street.

The Department’s Minister, Heather Humphreys, also announced a new €2.65million community centre for Ballymote.

While welcoming the community centre investment, Perry insists that no forewarnin­g or consent was given to Ballymote residents of the plans for the Art Deco Theatre and promised Sligo County Council “a battle royal” as he and others opposing the plan vow to fight and overturn the decision.

“It will be a battle royal, and we will be launching a campaign to save the Art Deco building and will be using every means possible to overturn this disgracefu­l decision,” he said.

“While we welcome the announceme­nt of the €2.65m for a new community centre, this decision by the Council will be fought to the bitter end. This is a remarkable Art Deco Theatre and €600,000 has been spent on the building.

“There was absolutely no consultati­on with the community and it was different in 2010 when the building was derelict to put a library into it but it is no longer derelict and has great potential. “

“There is huge anger in the community and after we held a public meeting last October we got 50 letters of support from every single group in the community and from outside.

“We intend to bring as many of the artistic people as we can to the building and they see it as a great venue.

“We met with the Council after the public meeting last October and they were totally belligeren­t towards our deputation.

“We will have a major public campaign and have people from the arts and cultural world who appreciate the uniqueness of this building.

“Whatever it takes to keep this building as a theatre will be done and we will be inviting the Minister for the Arts Catherine Martin down to Ballymote to meet with us.”

Current Fine Gael TD for SligoLeitr­im, Frank Feighan, welcomed the new community centre and hoped that the issue of the Art Deco Theatre building could be resolved between the residents and the Council.

He said: “The Council have applied for funding and €1.3m has been granted and I welcome that and I leave it up to the local authority and all the stakeholde­rs to resolve the issue and that the local community can be heard but also that it can be resolved with the Council.

“I would love to see that there would be a theatre in Ballymote and where it is located is not up to me.

“The funding is there and if the local authority and the local stakeholde­rs can come up to some agreement that is fine and if I can assist that is fine.

“I would like to thank Minister Heather Humphreys TD who was in Ballymote last Saturday announcing €2.65m for a new community centre for the town which was quiet rightly greeted very enthusiast­ically by the people of Ballymote.

“The Minister along with my government has demonstrat­ed their determinat­ion to bring huge investment into this south Sligo town providing some wonderful community facilities which will in my view improve the quality of life for so many people especially the youth of the town.

“In conclusion, I want to acknowledg­e the work of Sligo County Council in preparing such a good applicatio­n and ensuring this beautiful building will now have a civic role in the town.”

 ?? ?? The Art Deco Theatre in Ballymote.
The Art Deco Theatre in Ballymote.

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