Sligo Weekender


From our reporter at Sligo District Court


Bail revoked for turning up to hearing drunk

A 43-year-old man had his bail revoked and sent back into custody after turning up to his hearing intoxicate­d.

Peter Kelly of Glendallon, Ballytivna­n, Sligo, had been released on bail last Monday only to be arrested 30 minutes later for breaching the terms of his bail which was was not to enter Tesco Arcade in Sligo town.

Kelly had originally been charged with a number of offences over a period from September 2022 and March of this year which include public order, drug possession, criminal damage and theft.

He appeared at Tubbercurr­y District Court last Wednesday where his hearing was adjourned to Sligo District Court the following day.

However, on first call, he was not present. He appeared an hour later worse the wear for drink when he stepped into the witness box and addressed Judge Brendan O'Reilly.

He said: “I'm not here for you to take the p*ss out of us. Give me a last, last chance to prove that c**t (points to the State Prosecutor) wrong.”

Judge O'Reilly responded by saying: “For this man's own sake and to preserve the integrity of the court and the Gardaí, I am revoking his bail. He is to be remanded into custody.”

Kelly then asked the Judge: “What do you mean by that your Honour?”

Judge O'Reilly replied: “I'll let your solicitor (John Anderson) explain that to you.”

Kelly responded by pleading: “I want bail – please don't arrest me.”

He then called Judge O'Reilly a liar and then gave him a thumbs-up sign.

Kelly was escorted by five garda into custody while shouting: “Get your hands off me you c*nt or I'll knock you out.”

Shopliftin­g charges struck out after donations made

Two men who stole up to €554 worth of clothing from the Sports Direct store on Castle Street in Sligo town have had charges of theft struck out after a race to raise a donation for the court poor box.

Borisi Girkelidze, 33, of Armagh Road, Dundalk in Co. Louth and Levan Kukava, 34, of Main Street, Portarloin­gton in Co. Laois, both pleaded guilty to theft for the offence that took place on April 14 of this year.

Defence solicitor, John Anderson, told the court that his clients were Georgian nationals who came to Ireland 18 months ago and were both working in constructi­on.

Judge Brendan O'Reilly told the defendants to both come up with €300 each to donate to the poor box by the end of the day's proceeding­s or face a conviction.

The defendants did return to Court later that afternoon with the cash. Judge O'Reilly told them: “You are both guests in this country and you repay your host country by stealing from its citizens. I take note that you've complied with the instructio­n to make the named amount for the poor box and I will strike these charges out. You are both extremely fortunate.”

Woman fined for cannabis possession

A 52-year-old woman has been fined after pleading guilty to possession of a controlled drug.

Helen Reid of St Joseph's Terrace, Sligo, was – on June 26, 2023 in Forthill, Sligo town – found to have €600 worth of cannabis herbs in her handbag.

Defence solicitor Tom MacSharry told the court that at the time of the arrest, his client was fully co-operative with the Garda and made full admissions.

He added that the cannabis herbs were for her own personal use to help her cope with the chronic arthritis that she has in her hands, knees and hips.

Mr MacSharry concluded that Reid realises that this is a very serious matter and is now on prescripti­on medication for her arthritis.

Judge Brendan O'Reilly said: “People have this mistaken belief that there is no difficulty with smoking cannabis.

“If you want to change the law, then go into politics.”

Reid was fined €100 and a destructio­n order was issued for the cannabis herbs.

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