Sunday Independent (Ireland)

Let Rory and The Donald putt


Sir — There are a load of objections from the tender and the easily oppressed because Rory McIlroy played golf with President Trump.

It’s a mad world we now inhabit, when a golfer is held up to ridicule because of whom he plays a round with.

I have no doubt that there are folk crying into their muesli what with Brexit and now our Rory having a day off to have fun with the top man in the US.

“No free speech for bigots,” we’ll hear them cry when the anti-Rory bandwagon gets the legs they believe Rory’s golf so richly deserves, and I can already hear it being built as the clamour for his head drowns out the rational senses.

“He didn’t play for Ireland in the Olympics,” is a tweet I saw on RTE’s website which obviously clears everything up if we are having any doubts between this and putting with The Donald.

The gentle “democratic liberals”, who are in continuous trauma caused by their own loving but hateful view of the world’s people that they ordain to be cast into the darkness, are so frustrated it is only a matter of time before they begin using naughty four-letter words like ordinary mortals — and who could blame them?

What next? A self-imposed ban on themselves cycling three or four abreast on public roads in protest?

I’m all in agreement with this suggestion I humbly make, and hope they pick up on it. Robert Sullivan, Bantry, Co Cork

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