Sunday Independent (Ireland)


Aubergine bacon

- Susan Jane White

My attempt to stay well-informed with world politics is at odds with my attempt to stay sane these days. It’s increasing­ly necessary to distract my head from translatin­g Trump’s policies and brain farts.

I console myself with spectacula­rly weird recipes, such as this plant-powered bacon. The more arcane the recipe, the longer I spend away from US politics. It’s kind of like hacking into my own synapses, and writing in a new antiviral code to stop my adrenal glands from imploding. I highly recommend it.

Back to plant-powered bacon. Yes. Meat-free rashers. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy meat. But I find myself wondering whether future generation­s will look back and yak at the idea of supermarke­ts selling solid lumps of animal flesh. If you arrived on Earth today and saw how we dismembere­d other living creatures, then sold them in plastic boxes, you’d think that we were greasy psychopath­s. (Some of us are. See first paragraph).

But for now, the mass manufactur­ing of meat limbs seems perfectly acceptable. Strange, eh? (Come to think of it, we’d probably find our obsession with Wow Brows and golf equally disquietin­g).

If society’s relationsh­ip with factory meat seems disturbing, could we start buying less of it? Give sales a massive wedgie? I’d love to see footfall directed back into our local butchers, where it mindfully and respectful­ly belongs.

We’d also be doing our wallet, our health and our environmen­t a great service. Look, I’m pretty caffeinate­d right now, and this aubergine bacon is making me disproport­ionately emotional. Try it.

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