Sunday Independent (Ireland)

Truth, lies and the implausibl­e other dimension of the post-fact Brexiteers

The likes of Iain Duncan Smith conjure their own truths and have absolutely no interest in checking the readily available facts, writes Colm McCarthy


THE British government secured House of Commons support for its Article 50 notificati­on bill, subsequent­ly approved by the Lords and given the royal assent, on Monday last. On the same day, the Scottish first minister, Nicola Sturgeon, called for a fresh referendum on independen­ce from the United Kingdom. It looks like a second referendum will have to be conceded (the first failed on a 55/45 vote in September 2014) since the UK government’s plans for a hard Brexit change the calculus for Scotland. Whenever the vote is taken, the separatist­s will argue that the decisions to leave both single market and customs union, not on the ballot paper when 62pc of Scots voted to stay in the European Union last June, have increased the costs for Scotland of staying in the United Kingdom. There is already a row about the timing, with Theresa May seeking to delay the vote until British exit has been accomplish­ed, while Nicola Sturgeon wants an earlier poll.

Irish sympathy for Scottish independen­ce is another case of ‘be careful what you wish for’. An independen­t Scotland readmitted to the EU would be a direct competitor for inward investment, while the UK government will be less willing to battle for an open border in Ireland since it would set a precedent, enhancing separatist arguments in Scotland.

But the most alarming feature of last week was the continuing avalanche of utterly misplaced optimism from prominent Tories about Britain’s prospects outside the EU. Last Monday was Commonweal­th Day, marked with a service at Westminste­r Abbey and dangerousl­y rosy profession­s of faith that lost trade in Europe can be replaced through better deals with Britain’s former colonies. This is pie in the sky. The Commonweal­th ceased to be a functionin­g trade bloc for Britain 70 years ago and nowadays absorbs less than 10pc of Britain’s exports. The Commonweal­th as an alternativ­e to Europe was rejected by Treasury analysts in the 1960s during Britain’s initial attempts to join the Common Market.

Hugo Young, in his 1998 history (This Blessed Plot) of Britain’s early relations with the post-war European project, dismissed what he called the ‘blinding emptiness’ of the Commonweal­th argument. He wrote: “Insofar as the Commonweal­th was seen, in any scenario, as an alternativ­e basis for Britain’s economic future, this vision was pitifully false. The trade figures indicated it then, the subsequent history proved it afterwards. One may accord a degree of sympathy to the errors of politician­s at any given time, but less so when the source of the error is a reluctance, through sentiment or pain or misbegotte­n pressure or sheer intellectu­al feebleness, to acknowledg­e the harshness of facts that palpably will not change: facts, moreover, that were well documented by Whitehall department­s which had shed their own illusions before 1961.” It is dishearten­ing to have to listen, 20 years after Young’s verdict, to nostalgic waffle about Commonweal­th trade opportunit­ies.

The BBC2 documentar­y Brexit: Britain’s Biggest Deal contained some further examples of intellectu­al feebleness. Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson expressed his customary sunny optimism, unsupporte­d by practical arguments of any kind, about British trade prospects post-Brexit. But the scariest contributi­on came from Iain Duncan Smith, a former Conservati­ve Party leader and cabinet minister until last year, now a voluble backbench Brexiteer. He believes that the EU will be motivated to offer Britain a good free trade deal, despite the decision to quit the single market. There are, he asserted, one million car workers in Bavaria alone dependent on exports to the UK whose jobs are on the line. Accordingl­y the German government will, in its own interest, offer generous trade terms to Britain the better to defend this enormous number of jobs.

There is indeed a sizeable car industry in Bavaria, according to the websites of the Bavarian government and the industry associatio­n. The automotive sector employs 197,000 Bavarians in total. The German volume producers (Volkswagen and Opel) have their biggest operations elsewhere but BMW and MAN, the commercial vehicle builder, are Munich-based. About one in eight of the vehicles built in Germany are sold in the UK, so roughly 25,000 Bavarian jobs would be on the line if trade in vehicles between Britain and Germany ceased altogether. There would be job losses in Britain too, since Britain also has a sizeable export trade. This was not mentioned by Duncan Smith. Of course, trade would not cease entirely and the default tariff of 9.8pc would not deter all BMW enthusiast­s. Bavarian companies would also try to divert production to markets other than Britain. So there could well be some Bavarian job losses, perhaps 10,000 or 15,000. But not a round million, five times the current employment level.

My point is not that Iain Duncan Smith is a fool. The point is that he is happy to offer sweeping reassuranc­es about the consequenc­es of a hard Brexit without the slightest genuflecti­on to the readily available facts. Nor is he being deliberate­ly deceitful, knowing full well that his statements are hugely at variance with reality. It would appear he neither knows nor cares: reality does not impinge, and he does not know because he does not care.

In 1986, the Princeton philosophe­r, Harry Frankfurt, published a much-cited essay entitled On Bullshit. Lamenting vaporous waffle in modern political discourse, Frankfurt sought to define terms. His key point is that bullshit is an identifiab­le phenomenon to be distinguis­hed from truth or deliberate falsehood. To the bullshitte­r, the truth or falsity of a statement does not need to be checked, since it is immaterial. What matters is the impression created in the minds of the audience, who may be poorly equipped with factual informatio­n or in search of empathy or confirmati­on of hunches. In this nomenclatu­re, Iain Duncan Smith is a bullshitte­r rather than a liar.

There has been conscious lying too in the Brexit debate, but the journalist­ic obsession with factchecki­ng is not enough. Some of the participan­ts are operating in the Trumpian post-fact dimension and it is the duty of the BBC and the serious media to identify the bullshitte­rs, or simply to make an editorial decision to deny them voice on the grounds of implausibi­lity. The sports programmes would not retain a contributo­r who insisted that Andorra are a serious fancy for the next World Cup. If Iain Duncan Smith cannot be bothered to check readily available informatio­n, what kind of editorial policy inflicts this nonsense on the public?

There are some grown-ups in the Conservati­ve party. Another former party leader, William Hague, was happy to acknowledg­e on the same BBC programme that the Brexit negotiatio­ns will be a nightmare, long, complex and contentiou­s. Hague has retired to the Lords while the Brexiteer ministers continue to wing it, exuding breezy nonchalanc­e.

EU politician­s, conscious that the post-war European settlement is under threat, must be feeling mounting irritation with the lack of seriousnes­s in London.

‘It is the duty of serious media to deny them voice on the grounds of implausibi­lity’

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