Sunday Independent (Ireland)

‘The most expensive thing I’ve bought is a dress for the Ifta awards’

- by Louise McBride

THE actress Mairin de Buitleir plays the role of the barrister Dee in Ros na Run. The 24-year-old, from Caiseal na gCorr — a small town near Dunlewey in Co Donegal, started her acting career as a teenager in Teenage Cics, a television series which tells the story of children going to Irish college in the Gaeltacht.

That series was broadcast on TG4 about 10 years ago. She also directed her own short film, Tearmann, when studying for a masters in communicat­ions in NUI Galway. Tearmann was shown in a number of film festivals including the Galway Film Fleadh and the Fingal Film Festival. The young actress is also a choreograp­her.

De Buitleir has been acting in Ros na Run for about two years — after she successful­ly auditioned for a role in the soap while still in college. Ros na Run airs on TG4 on Tuesday and Thursday at 8.30pm — with an omnibus at 7pm on Sundays. What is the most important lesson about money which your career in acting has taught you? Always have a stash. With acting, it’s crucial to consistent­ly put money away. By doing so, you can focus solely on the work at hand — and avoid anxiety about finishing a contract. What’s your favourite Irish saying about money? ‘Is fearr cara sa chuirt na punt sa phoca.’ This translates to: ‘A friend in the court is better than a pound in the pocket.’ That is: people are more important than money. What’s your favourite Irish coin? All of the punt money depicted something true to the Irish land and heritage and I think each coin was unique and beautiful. I’d have to choose the one punt coin as my favourite. Apart from property, what’s the most expensive thing you have ever bought? I splashed out recently and bought myself a Ted Baker dress for the Iftas (Irish Film and Television Academy awards) from Brown Thomas. Apart from travelling, that’s the most I’ve ever spent on something for myself. What was your worst job? Thankfully, I have only had the pleasure of working in jobs I’m passionate about. What was your biggest financial mistake? I haven’t made any huge financial mistakes to date. Let’s hope it stays that way. What was your best financial killing? I’ve yet to get to serious money making but my current role as Dee in Ros na Rún is the best paying job I’ve had to date. Do you know how much is in your current account? I do — I check my accounts regularly. However, I don’t disclose or discuss earnings. In turn, I wouldn’t ask about someone else’s financial situation. Have you ever made an insurance claim? No. Do you use iTunes or Spotify? Spotify. What was the last thing you bought online? A phone cover with the Egyptian Eye of Horus symbol on it. Do you have a mortgage? I don’t, thankfully. I’m still roaming. Would you buy Irish property now? No. I’m not at that stage in my life now. I will in the future have a home based in Ireland. But for now, I’m happy renting beautiful properties. Do you pay in cash or card? Card mostly. I have a small aluminium case for cards which is so much handier than carrying my purse. I’ve filled my purse with Polaroid photos and money from places I’ve travelled. Do you ever haggle? Yes. I would love if there was a barter system in place here! Are you better off than your parents? No, I’m not. However it’s great to finally get to the stage in my life where I am able to contribute to some living costs when I’m at home. I’ve been blessed to have parents who’ve provided me with everything and slowly but surely, I hope to provide for them in the years to come.

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