Sunday Independent (Ireland)

A New Year toast

- Susan Jane White

To mark the end of one arbitraril­y labelled set of 365 days and the beginning of another, let’s celebrate sweetness. Traditiona­lly, Homo sapiens would peddle a form of penance to intensify the passing of a year. But that’s an awful lot to ask of your liver after the festive frolics. Plus, I come from a different planet. So I vote for French toast and coconut-sugar bombs.

Coconut sugar is not just another hipsteria colonising Ireland’s fashionabl­e cafes. This curious brown sugar actually makes sense.

For a start, coconut sugar has a modest mineral content, which helps explain why health nuts go cross-eyed and slack-jawed for it.

Then there’s the taste. Even though it comes from the coconut tree, it is definitely not coconutty.

Think crunchy caramel crumbs without that sicklyswee­t kick of regular sugar. It won’t make your heart beat like a voodoo drum, either.

Coconut sugar comes from the nectar of the coconut palm tree. The flower’s sticky sap is collected and boiled down to a sweet syrup.

To make a crystallis­ed sugar, the syrup is boiled for longer and left to cool, before it is ground into granules.

This cinnamon coconut sugar is unlike any other sweetener I have tasted. It’s smooth like maple, yet delectably crunchy, with a warm and satisfying smack. It might just be the most exciting thing your porridge will meet in 2019.

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