Sunday Independent (Ireland)

Karen Koster

The broadcaste­r reveals her early intro to chocolate, courtesy of Princess Di, her Irish-mammy ways and the scourge of raw seafood

- Karen will be hosting ‘Xpose Style Sessions’ around the country in 2019. This lifestyle event includes all your favourite ‘Xpose’ elements, from fashion to beauty to star interviews, along with live styling sessions and afternoon tea. See virginmedi­atelev

My life in food

What did your mother make you?

One of the biggest home-comfort meals was chips — cooked old-school style, in the deep fat fryer — with sweetcorn salad and breaded chicken.

The meal you will always remember?

It was a restaurant carved into the side of the rocks on the Amalfi Coast where John proposed. I couldn’t even eat after it, because I was so staggered that he’d actually asked me!

Defining food experience?

Eating a Marathon [Snickers] bar while watching Princess Diana’s wedding on TV. I wasn’t even sitting up — I shouldn’t even been having solids! That was when my affair with chocolate began.

First dish you ever cooked?

Roast chicken for John — which is bad, because I was in, like, my late 20s!

What is your comfort food?

A club sandwich.

What is your hangover cure?

A Big Mac and loads of Alka-Seltzer, vitamin C, Dioralyte, and a cold can of Coke.

What do you drink?

My tastes have really changed — I find I’ve no tolerance any more since being pregnant. I’ve had three kids in four years. I like a Rioja, or I love a glass of Champagne on special occasions.

You can only eat three things for the rest of your life, what are they?

Bread, butter, and tea.

How important is food to you?

It’s the only hobby John and I share! Our courtship was restaurant­s, restaurant­s, restaurant­s. Like, it was never, ‘What’s your favourite movie?’, it was all about food. That’s what we spend our money on. I’d prefer if he took me out to eat than bought me a gift. You can go anywhere and have anything to eat with any one person. Where, what and who? I’d go back to Vegas with John, which was a holiday we went on pre-kids. We had wagyu beef — I’d recreate that meal. What’s always in your kitchen? Loads of milk, because I’m an Irish mam! There’s always Parmesan cheese, a couple of steaks, fresh pasta, and yoghurt for the babies. Favourite restaurant in Ireland? Dax on Pembroke Street.

And abroad? Somewhere on a beach with high chairs, and colouring books for kids. With a playground. That’s where we’re at right now!

What’s your sweet treat? I always have something sweet at 3pm, and something small after dinner — maybe a Tunnock’s Tea Cake or a mini Twix.

What do you refuse to eat?

Very little, probably sushi — I’ve never got my tastebuds around it. Worst Meal Ever? Raw prawns!

Are you careful about what you eat?

I can’t deprive myself — nothing’s off limits, ever — but I’m probably quite moderate naturally.

What’s your perfect family meal?

John’s garlic prawns to start, steak, garlic butter, green beans, and cheesecake. In conversati­on with Sophie White

“Food is the hobby John and I share! I’d prefer he took me out to eat than bought me a gift”

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