Sunday Independent (Ireland)

Dr Harry Barry on how to deal with three key emotions


Anger: “It is important to deal with anger, as devastatio­n can occur when it is left to fester. You can manage anger by separating the behaviour of the person we believe has wronged us from the person themselves, identifyin­g triggers that set us off and identifyin­g the irrational beliefs and behaviours that underlie the anger.”

Shame: “The first technique for dealing with shame is to try to develop unconditio­nal self-acceptance, where you cease rating yourself as a human being or allowing others to rate you but instead accept responsibi­lity for yourself and/or behaviour. The second technique is to identify and deal with the unhealthy behaviours that are consolidat­ing this sense of shame.”

Grief : “Dealing with grief involves separating the emotional component from the significan­t changes that occur when loss occurs in our lives.

It’s worth rememberin­g that pain and joy go together in life. CS Lewis in A Grief Observed says: “The pain I feel now is the happiness I had before. That’s the deal.”

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