Sunday Independent (Ireland)

Persecutio­n of Baha’is in Iran increases


Iranian authoritie­s have escalated persecutio­n of the Baha’i community, targeting at least 77 individual­s across the country in recent weeks, despite a second wave of coronaviru­s infections, according to a global organisati­on representi­ng the faith.

At least 77 Baha’is across eight Iranian provinces have been arrested, summoned to court, tried, sentenced and imprisoned in the past month “under baseless accusation­s and for no reason other than a deep-seated antagonism to the Baha’i faith”, the Baha’i Internatio­nal Community said.

The Baha’i faith, which was originally founded in Iran, is seen as heretical by the Islamic Republic. Baha’i shops and cemeteries have been vandalised, and some of its followers blocked from universiti­es and jobs.

“Baha’is are used to persecutio­n, however, this is almost unpreceden­ted numbers in the matter of a month,” Bani Dugal, principal representa­tive to the UN for the BIC, told reporters.

While dozens of religious and political groups have been hurt by the Islamic Republic’s 41-year rule of Iran, the Baha’is are widely considered to be one of the most persecuted.

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