Sunday Independent (Ireland)

Hold back? Moderation was never my forte


IWAS always one for extremes. I never did anything by half. When I smoked, I smoked too much. I always envied people who could have a few fags with a drink. That was never me. To be fair, I don’t really drink all the time but when I do, I have a strong propensity to over imbibe. I eat too much.

I could have sworn that when Leo told us to stay indoors, he also encouraged us to eat all day. “Stay at home and eat as much as you can shovel in to your mouth.” Other people didn’t hear him saying that. I could have sworn he did.

When I buy clothes or if truth be told, find something to fit me, I buy it in every conceivabl­e shade.

To say my garden is bountiful would be an understate­ment. It’s coming down with flowers. All annuals which means I’ll have to do it all again next year. My house is full of ‘stuff ’. It’s frightenin­g to think what the kids will have to deal with when I’m gone.

And now it’s masks. Masks in every colour. I have white ones, black ones, pink, green, flowery, plain, perspex. You name it. Most people have two. Not me.

I’ve given up on make-up because the masks cover all.

I’ve sort of given up on clothes as well. Now, I’m not going naked or anything. Yet. But I find because I’m not going out very much, I’m wearing the same three outfits, washing them and starting all over. I’m over the whole dressing-up thing.

So I’m hoping we will have to start wearing PPE all the time. Space suits. I could buy them in every colour. Happy days.

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