Sunday Independent (Ireland)



With nowhere to go IRL, Laura Cunningham embraced sharing her pregnancy and newborn baby Ziggy on Instagram, where he already has a hoard of adoring ‘online aunties’

I have little chats with him where I’m like, ‘Sorry for bringing you into this sh*tshow, hopefully it will all be OK! You’re the most loved little man ever, so you’ll be fine’.

Obviously, it’s been a hugely difficult time for so many people, but I’d say I’ve tried to run with the positives. Being in lockdown during pregnancy was a unique opportunit­y to press pause on a lot of things and a time to realise what was important and take a step back.

I had to have a C-section, and I was in hospital from Monday to Friday and it was kind of a nice time just to be by ourselves. I had a room to myself and time to learn how to be a mam without having to worry about people coming in and [having to] entertain them. I felt completely safe knowing there was a nurse outside the door if I needed them.

When I got home, I was very lucky that my best friend, who was my birth partner, stayed with me practicall­y every night for two weeks and Ziggy’s dad was here every day. Now things are easing, we can go to the park and meet friends and family at a distance for coffee.

I did my antenatal classes online and, since I wasn’t able to have any kind of baby shower, I felt a bit like it made it more real for me when I was able to talk about it online. A lovely girl who follows me on Instagram said it was like Ziggy has loads of online aunties, and I liked that. Obviously, I have an amazing network of friends and family in real life, but I thought it was a nice idea.

Babies are still being born and families are still loving each other in spite of all the madness.

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