Sunday Independent (Ireland)

Investigat­ion into more sex abuse claims against school rugby coach

- Maeve Sheehan

GARDAÍ are investigat­ing fresh abuse allegation­s against the paedophile former rugby coach John McClean, who pleaded guilty last November to a litany of attacks on 23 boys over 17 years at Terenure College in Dublin.

McClean, a teacher at the private school for two decades, will be sentenced on Thursday. Harrowing victim impact statements were read into the court record at a two-day sentencing hearing last week.

An informed source said inquiries into McClean’s activities at Terenure College is continuing as more people come forward with complaints. “The investigat­ion is ongoing,” the source said.

One victim asked last week whether the 23 former pupils who have come forward so far are the “tip of the iceberg”.

In a victim impact statement read at McClean’s sentencing hearing , he wondered how many had “tried out for this final squad of 23”.

“Are we the tip of the iceberg? I fear so.”

John McClean (76), of Casimir Avenue, Harold’s Cross, joined Terenure College in 1973 and became a leading rugby coach both at the school and later University College Dublin. He initially denied 27 charges of indecently assaulting the males at Terenure College in Dublin on dates between 1973 and 1990, but pleaded guilty last November at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court.

McClean taught English at Terenure College between 1966 and 1996, coached rugby and got involved in fitting children with costumes for school plays. He was removed from costume fitting in 1979 because of allegation­s made against him. Later he became a first-year form master with his own office.

The court heard how McClean admitted to sexually abusing children at Terenure College in 1996 but went on to take up a top coaching job with UCD. Inspector Jason Miley gave evidence that the father of one of the victims complained to Fr Robert Kelly, the then Provincial of the Carmelite Order. McClean admitted the abuse; his confession was documented in notes of the meeting kept by Fr Kelly. He left the school and soon afterwards became director of rugby at UCD.

Inspector Miley read victim impact statements from each of the former pupils into court that set out the lasting damage McClean had caused.

McClean is being sued by a number of former pupils. Four cases have been lodged against the former coach, the school and the Carmelites so far and more cases are expected. McClean’s legal team said he apologised and was ashamed of what he did. They had “no disillusio­n” that he would be taken into custody but asked that he be vaccinated first.

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LITANY: John McClean abused boys at Terenure College
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