Sunday Independent (Ireland)

This hardy bunch survives

- Vincent Colman, Sutton, Co Dublin

Sir — I am an 81-year-old widower living on my own and I am fed up with all the so-called experts telling me that I should be lonely, depressed and vulnerable to Covid, etc.

I am not. Sure, I do not see my family and friends as much as I would like to and I miss my travels — but so be it. I am a positive person. I don’t let these things get me down.

I’m well able to look after myself and I continue to do my shopping as I never considered that cocooning applied to me.

I am sick and tired of all the moaning and groaning, and have had it up to here with all the negativity shown by the middle-aged politician­s who seem to call the shots.

Those of us born before 1940 were born before television and discos and before man walked on the Moon.

It was a simpler time. We thought “fast food” was what you ate three times a day during Lent and “sheltered accommodat­ion” was where you waited for the bus.

“Making out” referred to how you did in your exams and “going all the way” meant staying on that bus right to the terminus (after you had caught it from your sheltered accommodat­ion).

We were a hardy bunch. And we still are. So don’t patronise us. We have survived and, with the grace of God, we will continue to do so. You might be so lucky. Accept the situation we are in and adopt a positive attitude — like Professor Luke O’Neill. He is the only person worth reading about Covid; all the other contributo­rs are all too negative.

Remember, this is only a temporary situation we are in and it shall pass.

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