Sunday Independent (Ireland)

Easter is a time of renewal, and that applies to communicat­ion skills too

- Gina London You can write to Gina care of SundayBusi­ness@independen­

As I write for this Easter Sunday, the holiday of renewal, I also see yellow daffodils in my garden and pink buds on many a tree – so it’s no surprise that I feel compelled to reflect on the essence of transforma­tion. Jut as nature sheds its wintry cloak to embrace the vibrant colours of spring, so too can we shed our insecuriti­es and uncertaint­ies to embrace a more confident and authoritat­ive presence in our communicat­ion.

Effective communicat­ion isn’t just about the words we speak or the ideas we convey, it’s about how we embody those messages.

It’s about the way we carry ourselves, the poise we exude, and the confidence we project.

Let’s explore five ways you can enhance your skills too.


Just as athletes hone their abilities through physical training, so too must communicat­ors exercise their vocal muscles.

Take time each day to practice speaking aloud, focusing on clarity, tone, and modulation. Record yourself delivering a speech or presentati­on, and listen back to identify areas for improvemen­t.

Confident communicat­ion begins with a strong, clear voice.

For example, imagine you have an important presentati­on coming up at work. Instead of simply reviewing your notes in silence, set aside time each day to practice delivering your speech aloud.

Pay attention to your pacing, enunciatio­n, and intonation. By consistent­ly practicing your vocal delivery, you will deliver with more confidence and authority when the big day arrives.


Your words take your audience on a journey. You must be able to keep them with you. You’re building a road between minds, and this requires careful constructi­on and seamless delivery.

Focus on organising your thoughts in a logical manner, using clear and concise language to convey your message. Practice delivering your points smoothly, avoiding filler or hesitation­s that can detract from your credibilit­y.

This requires sharp focus and in-the-moment awareness. When you begin to hurry, your mouth can’t keep up with your mind and this often results in people speaking in fragments. If you deliver a string of half sentences that make no sense, your audience will quickly take the nearest off-ramp into their own thoughts.

They may still be in the room, but they’re no longer with you.

So, keep in mind that careful constructi­on links one statement to the next. Stay present.


Just as physical exercise strengthen­s our bodies, it also enhances our mental agility and resilience.

So, when you consider your approach to communicat­ions, consider that you are exercising muscles which lead to muscle memory for the motor skills you engage when you are presenting.

Research shows that engaging in activities that promote mindfulnes­s – yoga, tai chi, meditation – not only improves your overall wellbeing but also helps sharpen your focus and clarity, which in turn improves your ability to present with confidence and intention.

Try incorporat­ing a brief mindfulnes­s practice into your daily routine, such as a five-minute meditation session or participat­ing in a gentle yoga flow class.

Since January, I have begun attending yoga classes (I’ve participat­ed in more yoga over the past three months than in my entire life combined), and I am definitely noticing how it is helping calm my mind and centre my thoughts.


Your body language speaks volumes before you even utter a word. Pay attention to your posture: stand tall with your shoulders back and head held high.

Use purposeful gestures to emphasise key points and engage your audience. Cultivate a sense of poise and confidence in your demeanour, projecting an aura of authority and credibilit­y.

Plant your feet, rather than pace back and forth. This doesn’t mean you can never move a step or two – but be aware that pacing without purpose can be distractin­g. If you look like a duck in a shooting gallery, once again, your audience will be more focused on watching you go back and forth, than on what you have to say.

Spring is the perfect time to begin this dedication to renewal. Because just as it takes time and effort to sculpt a leaner physique for the summer swimsuit season, it’s also going to take time and these deliberate exercise techniques to move you toward masterful communicat­ion.

Set aside dedicated time every work day to practice your communicat­ion skills, whether it’s volunteeri­ng to deliver that impromptu team update report, engaging in role-playing exercises with a trusted colleague or supervisor, or of course, seeking out profession­al coaching to help you accelerate your progress.

I promise if you create a structured practice regimen by first identifyin­g even just one specific communicat­ion goal, and then dedicating a mere 10 minutes each day for focused skill developmen­t, you will make replicable improvemen­ts.

In three months, when summer arrives, will you have results or regrets?

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