Sunday World (Ireland)





March 22-April 20

Trust destiny! You may get a bit wound up and stressed if you try to do everything at once. Take your time with things and do not fret about how it is all going to work out in the future. Be discipline­d and patient, so that your feelings and reactions stay positive. Access your common sense. In love, keep it real and do not pretend that things are OK when they are not.



April 21-May 21

Life will serve you up some interestin­g options. Something you thought was buried in the deep distant past will re-emerge. You are all set to ditch the anger, frustratio­n and resentment you sometimes sit on. Access your happy self and put recent distress behind you. Do not be afraid to stick your neck out, for it will benefit you to take intelligen­t risks. Be careful and go for gold. WATCH FOR: Irony.


May 22-June 22

Keep perspectiv­e in tricky situations, this should be one of your most content stretches. Try to put things into perspectiv­e and be very grateful of where you are at. Find time to relax and unwind, especially when you are tired. Life is what you make it and you are sure to make it a whole lot more interestin­g than the rest of us. It may be worth following up that work offer.

WATCH FOR: Choices.


June 23-July 23

Work and play hard for good health and great results. Your energy levels will be jumping. But watch out for relationsh­ip disagreeme­nts. Be organised as you go about your business. You will get twice as much done if you focus. There is work to be done, so be flexible and perform to the best of your ability. You will have to take the rough with the smooth as the week unfolds.

WATCH FOR: Boredom.


July 24-August 23

Do not go out and about looking for trouble or entertainm­ent. Let it come to you! Keep a handle on your temper and use humour to diffuse a situation. Your instincts pull you through tricky scenarios and dodgy family politics. Take credit when it is due and give yourself a pat on the back. Money can buy you items, possession­s, trinkets, but not anything of real value.



August 24-September 23

Observe that you always have the funds you need in the nick of time and be assured that this is not about to change. You can expect your monies to be somewhat slippery and ill-defined for now.

You should certainly be on the lookout for adventurou­s ways to make money and take the leap of faith with all sound opportunit­ies.

WATCH FOR: Honesty.


September 24-October 23

Keep your communicat­ion skills nicely honed. You will have to think on your feet. Be mindful that your love life requires a lot of nurturing and patience. Unexpected news will warm the cockles of your heart soon enough. Friendship­s may need your attention. Take time to understand where a particular person is coming from. You need to have a better idea of what you are dealing with. WATCH FOR: Empathy.


October 24-November 22

Tread lightly. You may not have the full picture, and your suggestion­s could prove to be badly timed. Learn to read things more carefully, especially when you are feeling vulnerable. It is OK to be changeable about something until you know the score. Trust the Universe to provide spectacula­r destiny moments. You will not need to dig around to make an impact.

WATCH FOR: Intention.


November 23-December 21

This is the optimum time to get your ambitions moving along nicely. Be bright and breezy as you make connection­s. Who knows where it will all lead. Steer clear of situations that will get you nowhere. Do leave what is no longer appropriat­e behind you. Life is a trip; so, you might as well enjoy the ride. Today is important, so do not hide away or let precious opportunit­ies go to waste. WATCH FOR: Curiosity.


December 22-January 20

A mystery adds to the charm of what is going down in your love life. Do not be a stranger when someone wants to connect; but do be polite and respectful, especially if you are not really interested. Be open, as love will surprise you and leave you reeling to boot. Recent contacts and connection­s were indeed fortuitous. Do not doubt it; but DO give things time to settle.



January 21-February 19

There is no point in wasting precious energy. Expect to get clarity re a new direction. Anything that sparks up your sense of adventure is good. Change within work situations should be embraced. There is absolutely no need to panic. But be alert re family matters. Guard against clumsiness or neglect. Stay ahead of the game and you will come through just fine.

WATCH FOR: Humour.


February 20-March 21

In all things have faith! All will be well, so expect a miracle. Do not limit what you can achieve. Allow the Universe to provide for you. The less you try to control things, the better. Get busy romantical­ly and do your worst. Renewed confidence serves you well. But watch you do not become too self-sufficient. Keep your support system intact.

WATCH FOR: Moments.

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