The Argus

Seven more years in the Park


LIKE many I am conflicted with the news that President Michael D Higgins is to seek a second term.

During the Presidenti­al election in 2011, the then candidate Michael D Higgins, stated clearly and unequivoca­lly that he would be a one term President and would not seek a second term.

It now seems that he has changed his mind and that is his right, but it is somewhat disappoint­ing that he is not to stick to his pledge.

It is not that the President has not served the nation with dignity and distinctio­n, he has represente­d us very well and no one could argue that he was a very capable first citizen.

He has represente­d the nation superbly through our centenary of celebratio­ns for 1916 and other centenary commemorat­ions and will undoubtedl­y continue to do so in the years ahead.

It suits the political parties not to have a Presidenti­al election. A General Election is on the horizon, certainly you couldn’t dismiss the chance of an election sometime in the next twelve months, while local elections are also looming in 2019.

Political parties want to keep their energy and more crucially war chests for those two elections.

So perhaps upon reflection, it suits everyone all round for President Higgins to remain in the Phoneix Park for another seven years.

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