The Argus

Pub Quiz


1. What sort of creature is a bittern? A. A bird, B. A mammal, C. A reptile, D. A fish.

2. Which French poet was imprisoned for shooting his lover Arthur Rimbaud? A. Paul Verlaine, B. Jean Trieste,

C. Michel Delaporte, D. Jaques Reno.

3. Which car manufactur­er has the model Focus in its range?

A. Fiat, B. Peugeot, C. Skoda, D. Ford.

4. Which airport was the subject of the TV series Airport?

A. Heathrow, B. Gatwick, C. Manchester, D. East Midlands.

5. Which word meaning “divine wind” describes suicide missions of Japanese aircraft?

A. Kamikaze, B. Karate, C. Bonsai, D. Banzai.

6. What is the German town of Meissen famous for producing?

A. Porcelain, B. Beer, C. Cars, D. Engines.

7. Who painted A Bigger Splash in 1967? A. Thomas Benton, B. David Hockney, C. Giorgio de Chirico, D. Marcel Duchamp.

8. How was Ho Chi Minh City known until 1976?

A. Wonsan, B. Hanoi, C. Danang, D. Saigon.

SOLUTIONS TO LAST WEEK’S PUB QUIZ: 1. A; 2. C; 3. D; 4. C; 5. B; 6. D; 7. B; 8. C.

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