The Avondhu

Priest urges parishione­rs to take care; remember their parish


A priest has urged parishione­rs to help prevent the spread of Covid-19 by using online and television Mass services.

Fr Eamonn Kelleher was speaking as gatherings at Masses have been again curtailed for loyal parishione­rs due to the move to Level 3 Covid restrictio­ns.

Fr Kelleher, based in Kildorrery, said that people are disappoint­ed but accept the regulation­s.

“Level three kicked in at midnight, meant couldn’t have a public Mass this morning. A very faithful group attend morning Mass, up to fifteen, sometimes up to 20, who love their Mass,” he said.


Fr Kelleher advised parishione­rs who are missing their morning Mass that they can once again access Mass online.

“We will be online for a weekend Mass, but that is as much as we can do at the moment. We would ask people to be patient and just because they can’t come to Mass, it doesn’t mean they can’t say their prayers at home.

“My advice for people is to try to connect with a daily Mass on television, we may be physically distant but there is a spiritual unity to our prayers.

“The television coverage has been great, people can connect on the internet, everyone’s safety and social distance is important at this time.

“One of the ways of reflecting our faith is to show respect for social distancing measures. This is a matter of faith and how we observe them in this difficult time,” Fr Kelleher explained.


Fr Kelleher said that parishes have been struggling financiall­y during lockdown.

“I would ask people not to forget to support their church and parish, parishes have been put in a very difficult financial position because of shutdowns. If at all possible, I would ask parishione­rs, in any way they can, to return their offerings.

“We do appreciate the financial strain on all parishione­rs at this time, but we would ask those who can to not forget their parish at this time,” he said.

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