The Avondhu

Another blow for arts and entertainm­ent sector


While there is much being written and spoken of the move to Level 3 in the National Framework for Living with Covid-19 and its effect on pubs, restaurant­s and sporting activities, it comes also as a terrible blow to the arts and entertainm­ent sector, some of whom were beginning to see a chink of light at the end of the tunnell.

‘Trasna’, one of the first events to be running at The Everyman Palace in Cork, sees its six-night run cut short this week with five more scheduled shows having to be cancelled.

Unlike the scenes we saw on television and on social media of groups before and after matches having scant regard for social distancing, in stark contrast, venues such as The Everyman and The Cork Arts Theatre have gone to all the rounds to implement the strictest protocol to ensure the safety of their patrons.

Five further shows at The Everyman have now been thrown into disarray (check with them for on-line performanc­es). Likewise, the excitement around Doonshee’s presentati­on of ‘Katty Barry – Queen of the Coal Quay’ at the Cork Arts Theatre has been quenched because of Level 3 - a huge disappoint­ment for its writer and director, Marion Wyatt.

Hopefully, Mike O’Dowd’s ‘Sods’ which is scheduled to run from Tuesday 3rd to Saturday 7th November and Stagemad’s presentati­on of ‘Jetty Stars’ which features our own Noelle Clarke (Tuesday 10th to Saturday 14th November) will get to go ahead when the time comes around.

 ??  ?? Noelle Clarke will be hoping that Level 2 will be back in play when the dates for ‘Jetty Stars’ which she stars in, come around.
Noelle Clarke will be hoping that Level 2 will be back in play when the dates for ‘Jetty Stars’ which she stars in, come around.

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