The Avondhu



Presentati­on Secondary School provides an extensive curricular choice including Junior Cert, transition year, Leaving Certificat­e and Leaving Cert Applied.


Our first-year students study all subjects throughout first year before deciding what subjects they would like to study for their Junior Cycle. This enables them to make informed decisions about their subject choice for Junior Cycle.

The girls study English, Irish, Maths, History, Geography, Science and Religion as core subjects and at the end of first year they choose three option subjects: French, German, Home Economics, Business, Art, Music.

They also engage in a selection of wellbeing subjects including CSPE, SPHE, Guidance Education, Computer studies (Digital Media Citizenshi­p), Choir and Physical Education.


At senior cycle, students can opt to do Transition Year – a unique one-year programme. Although it is not compulsory, we have an extremely high uptake.

Students can choose either the establishe­d Leaving Cert Programme or the Leaving Cert Applied.


Leaving Cert students generally study seven subjects including the core subjects English, Irish and Maths. As a result of curricular cooperatio­n with the local CBS at senior cycle we offer a very broad range of subjects for students to choose from, including, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Agricultur­al Science, Home Economics, History, Geography, Politics and Society, Business, Accounting, French, German, Constructi­on Studies, Music, Art and Applied Maths. All students are also timetabled for Religion, Careers, SPHE and Physical Education.

Leaving Cert Vocational Programme is designed to enhance the vocational dimension of the establishe­d leaving cert with a focus on self-directed learning, enterprise, informatio­n technology and work. It is a full leaving cert subject and includes two link modules: enterprise education and preparatio­n for the world of work. Eligibilit­y for the LCVP is dependent on subject options chosen.

 ??  ?? Annual fun day for local Cope residents organised by Transition Year students in 2019
Annual fun day for local Cope residents organised by Transition Year students in 2019
 ??  ?? 2019/2020 Second Year students proudly displaying their bunting created as part of their ClassroomB­ased Assessment (CBA) in Home Economics last year.
2019/2020 Second Year students proudly displaying their bunting created as part of their ClassroomB­ased Assessment (CBA) in Home Economics last year.

Newspapers in English

Newspapers from Ireland