The Avondhu


- Contact Mary O’Brien on 087-2422660 or email maryobrien­


Sincere sympathy to the O’Halloran and Fleming families on the recent death of Ann. Ann originally came from Furrow and on her marriage to Tommy went to reside in Ballyduff, Ballylande­rs. Ann’s remains were interred in Anglesboro Cemetery. May both Ann and Tommy (who predecease­d her by just 3 months) rest in peace in God’s Heavenly Kingdom.


Sincere thanks to everybody who contribute­d to, worked at or who purchased tea, coffee or confection­ery at Sunday’s ‘Drive Through Coffee Morning’, which was organised by the committee of Kilbehenny Community Centre. The confection­ery that was donated was a sight to behold and we would like to say thank you to everybody. To the stewards who manned the traffic and kept it free flowing, you did a wonderful job. Also thank you to the people who supplied coffee, teabags, milk, paper cups etc. and to the man who supplied us with the gazebo, without which we would not have managed. To the ladies and gent who helped out with the serving of beverages, you did a wonderful job - thank you.

Also thank you to the person who braved the elements to take names and telephone numbers in accordance with HSE guidelines. A huge effort was put in by all. The good Lord was on our side as the morning was the better part of the day. The event was a phenomenal success - the sum total of money raised will be announced later.


Welcome to Kevin Barry who has joined the DSP here in Kilbehenny Community Centre. We hope Kevin will enjoy his time in our midst. The DSP team do great work in maintainin­g our community centre and the surroundin­g environs around the village. The committee very much appreciate their effort in this regard.

As the country is going to be in Level 3 for the next while, please now more than ever, could everybody make that effort to adhere to the guidelines. We all know what we must do to combat this virus.

If anybody wishes to insert anything in the weekly notes, please pass their correspond­ence on to the telephone or email address above.

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