The Avondhu

Fermoy Internatio­nal Garden secures a site


Fermoy Internatio­nal Garden has found a home, ending their search for land on their mission of creating a community garden for the town.

Following an article published in TheAvondhu in January, chairperso­n of Fermoy Internatio­nal Garden Audrey Sands, said she received a phone call informing her that land was available.

The group have now secured a 300 square metre site located at the back of the CYMWS hall on MacCurtain Street in the town.

“It’s perfect for us, we got to work on it on Monday just gone,” Audrey told The


Key goals set out for the site by the group have also been met, with the site containing a ramp for accessibil­ity and providing a wheelchair friendly environmen­t, it is accessible within the town and has nearby parking as well as water access for the site.

According to Audrey, items on the to-do list for the site include building a 14ft by 27ft polytunnel and creating raised beds, both of which are to be wheelchair accessible.

“We want to create a children’s area as well which the kids will design. Children can’t actually join the group, but many of our members have kids and families are definitely welcome,” Audrey added.


A mock sketch has been designed for how the group hope to progress the garden, however as of yet the design is subject to change and is expected to evolve over time.

In the era of environmen­tal instabilit­y, the group also aim to encourage wildlife and create a garden which respects and promotes local diversity, which the current plans reflect.

A wild area, meadow and a wormery feature as part of the plans, as well as a number of growing-based features including space for growing herbs, fruit raised beds and a vertical garden.

Other aspects of the mock sketch include a picnic bench, a tea hut, a shed, four benches and a handwashin­g area.

Fermoy Internatio­nal Garden hope to move in to the site by April, as current restrictio­ns prohibit groups from meeting.


“The site has been surveyed and we are making plans now. We’re hoping to be insured by the end of the month but with Covid, it could be a while before we can actually meet up and get started on it.

“We have a very strong and enthusiast­ic group and our numbers are growing, so we are at the stage now where we are trying to get funding,” Audrey told TheAvondhu and said they are intent on applying for a council grant. However, they are also seeking other sources of income and are currently seeking to collaborat­e with a commercial partner.

The group have set up a GoFundMe page entitled ‘Fermoy Internatio­nal Garden (community garden)’ which is now live with links posted on the Fermoy Seed Swap social media. A target of €1,000 has been set and already, at the time of going to press, donations were in excess of €200.

“It will go towards insurance and rent and it will help us to get in and get going in our first year,” Audrey said.

Fermoy Internatio­nal Garden is a group who are passionate about creating a garden that focuses on community and a love for growing produce and decorative plants which evolved from an online group, Fermoy Seed Swap that began in March 2020 as a way of reducing waste and providing more variety in gardens.

In recent years, Fermoy has become a gastronomi­c hub with many cafes and restaurant­s who utilise the plethora of local producers in the area and, being a multicultu­ral town, Fermoy Internatio­nal Garden aims to complement the diverse community and the commitment to local quality.

 ??  ?? A mock sketch of plans for the new community garden in Fermoy are subject to change as the site evolves.
A mock sketch of plans for the new community garden in Fermoy are subject to change as the site evolves.

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