The Avondhu

‘Grim reality’ behind feel-good dog rescue


A Mitchelsto­wn farmer has said that a recent feelgood story about the rescue of a dog on a mountainsi­de, missed the point of unsupervis­ed dogs being a threat to livestock.

Maurice Walsh, chairman of the North Cork ICMSA, from Kilbehenny, strongly criticised reports about the incident in Wicklow.

Maurice said that he did not wish to appear mean spirited, but said it was vitally important that what he called ‘the underlying grim reality of dogs escaping walkers and owners to worry sheep flocks and other livestock’ was at least acknowledg­ed and recognised.

“We’re very conscious of people’s need to get out and go for walks to escape the sense of confinemen­t – and we’re also very understand­ing of their desire to bring their dogs with them – but we have to say that we’d have reservatio­ns about the way this latest story is being presented as exclusivel­y a matter for the specific dog owners concerned.

“Dogs breaking away and criss-crossing the countrysid­e or hills often have very serious consequenc­es for local farmers – particular­ly sheep farmers.

“Farm organisati­ons and local papers are inundated at this time of year with reports of sheep kills and livestock being attacked and chased by dogs, so it’s very important that the message goes out that dogs being taken on walks into areas where livestock might be grazing, should always be kept on leashes or otherwise controlled. Deer will outrun chasing dogs – sheep and cattle just won’t,” he said.

He called on dog owners to always put their dogs on a


“Dead or injured livestock rarely make the front pages or main news stories but they have a hugely significan­t impact on the lives of their owners as well as causing huge stress to the animals concerned,” he added.

 ??  ?? Maurice Walsh speaking at an ICMSA AGM.
Maurice Walsh speaking at an ICMSA AGM.

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