The Avondhu

Update given on housing developmen­ts


Updates on a number of housing developmen­ts across the region were issued to councillor­s at this week’s Northern Committee Meeting.

The social housing developmen­t at Brigown, Mitchelsto­wn which was hoped to be completed in 2020 has now seen a stage 3 applicatio­n lodged and it is hoped that constructi­on will commence on site in the summer of 2021.

Director of Housing, Maurice Manning, informed the council that a 12-month contract would be attached to the Brigown Road developmen­t and that the council expect to have houses on the site by 2022.

Houses at the 52 unit site Crann Ard site in Fermoy are now nearing completion, according to the director, and it is expected that developmen­t on this site will be completed in 2021. The first four units of this developmen­t have also been handed over.

The 20 unit site at Lios Aird site in Ballyhooly is also ‘well advanced’ with an expected completion date of April 2021.

A 14 unit turnkey developmen­t in Glanworth has recently been granted permission and developmen­t is to commence this year in tandem with Irish Water upgrade works.

A King Street, Mitchelsto­wn turnkey developmen­t is also nearing completion and Director Manning noted that the developmen­t there is being completed by a private developer and once completed, will be acquired by the council.


Local figures were also released by the council regarding the Rebuilding Ireland Home Loan which is a government-backed mortgage for first-time buyers that can be used to purchase new or second-hand property, or for self-build.

Mr Manning informed the council that to date, there are 42 approved applicatio­ns in North Cork, while 8 are currently in progress.

Councillor Frank O’Flynn queried as to the uptake rate of this loan, noting that 8 appeared ‘small’ for an area the size of North Cork.

Councillor Kay Dawson queried the council regarding repairs to council-owned homes, nothing that there appears to be a ‘backlog’ on repairs due to current government restrictio­ns.

According to Mr Manning, the council are responding to emergency repairs including electrical and plumbing issues.

“Minor repairs are not being carried out,” Mr Manning said, while adding that the council is not aware of any particular backlog with repairs at present.

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