The Avondhu

A covid-friendly way to showcase your business to the world


CONTACT: Tom Whelan, Whelan 360 • Phone 086-1046350 • Email: • Web:

The Anglesboro based business, Whelan 360, offers a new way to showcase your business or residentia­l property through virtual tours.

According to Tom Whelan, the concept of this new venture is best described as a type of ‘Google Street View’ for businesses and property viewings.

“I’ve been doing photograph­y for a while now with my partner as a hobby and this is something we have been looking in to for some time. I thought now is probably the best time to do it with Covid.

“We can showcase residentia­l properties or businesses like restaurant­s, gyms and wedding venues, which can then be shared online so customers can get a look at what the place is like,” Tom told The


With Covid-19 changing the face of our daily lives, Whelan 360 offers an alternativ­e method of viewings by bringing people inside a location and allowing them to look around without actually having to be there.

Detailed visual informatio­n can be provided to

potential customers through virtual tours, offering an experience far beyond the simple format of text and photos often used online.

“For the residentia­l side and for people selling houses, they might not want people coming in at the moment and we can add a feature in, where agents can do a live web call on the tour so that you can meet the agent and ask them questions,” Tom added.

Virtual tours essentiall­y opens up a service or location, even behind closed doors, by displaying a detailed and fast-loading virtual reality environmen­t, allowing a business owner, estate agent, etc., an opportunit­y to showcase key features of a location or service.

Tom can visit and photograph venues across Munster using a camera that uses two lenses, these photos are then stitched together and run through five different pieces of software with Tom’s partner, Leigh-Ann McRobert, working on the post-production end, to create the unique interactiv­e experience offered by Whelan 360.

Crixus Fitness Gym in Fermoy recently shared their virtual tour created by Whelan 360 which begins at the entrance and the viewer can then click through the entirety of the gym, seeing all that it has to offer.

“The Crixus tour went really well. The image quality is great so I think people were really surprised by the quality. We’ve already had interest from hotels and wedding venues because they can’t showcase much at the minute,” Tom said.

Virtual tours can also be hosted on the Whelan 360 website for one year and photo and video files can also be shared with the business owner or residentia­l property owner, so that they can host the virtual tours on their websites or via social media.

Currently, three different package options are offered and available to view on Tom’s website ( where you can also view examples of the work that Whelan 360 do.

Going forward, an expansion of business may also be on the horizon for Whelan 360, with Tom noting that some businesses have been enquiring about the use of drone photograph­y too.

“Hopefully, I’ll carry on and expand the business into the future, I’ve been asked about drone photograph­y too, and if there’s enough demand, I’ll get into it,” Tom added.

 ??  ?? Based in Anglesboro, Tom Whelan and Leigh-Ann McRobert are the faces behind Whelan 360, the new virtual tours business.
Based in Anglesboro, Tom Whelan and Leigh-Ann McRobert are the faces behind Whelan 360, the new virtual tours business.

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