The Avondhu

Choir overwhelme­d with reaction to unique re-imagining of local ballad for St. Patrick’s Day - but sadness amongst the joy


An updated recording of the century-old ballad ‘My Home in Fermoy’ by the Fermoy Internatio­nal Choir, has gone viral - but its success coincided with the news that one of the contributo­rs passed away on the afternoon the song was released online.

Tommy Baker was one of 32-people living in the town to contribute to the production with his voice and image used throughout, but on Friday afternoon just hours after the song was released, news filtered through that the hugely popular and universall­y-loved Fermoy-native had passed away.

“A cloud of sadness descended over the town on Friday evening. It hung in the air. Tommy was very much-loved in Fermoy and he was a regular fixture walking along the banks of the river Blackwater. His gentle smile illuminate­d the town. We were shocked to hear that he had passed away and we send our love, sympathy and best wishes to his family and huge pool of friends,” said Graham Clifford, who founded the Fermoy Internatio­nal Choir as part of the Together Ireland Community Integratio­n Project.

The ‘My Home in Fermoy’ recording was produced especially for St Patrick’s Day and put together by choir conductor, Lisa Dunphy.

It also incorporat­es the singing of Dave Roche who recorded the ballad in recent years - Dave, himself another local legend, passed away last November at the age of 98. The song is dedicated to both Dave Roche and Tommy Baker.

“We have a wonderfull­y diverse community in Fermoy, around a quarter of the town’s population were born outside of Ireland and as a community we’re very close. And nothing says integratio­n and respect more than embracing a local ballad and showering it with focus, love and attention as all of our contributo­rs did with this work. It’s beautiful from start-to-finish, a timeless classic, and the magical combinatio­n of voices and accents work so well against the backdrop of stunning pictures from local photograph­er George O’Keefe – coincident­ally, a son-in-law of Tommy Baker’s,” said Graham Clifford.

He added: “And it was the parting contributi­on of both Dave and Tommy, two giants in a town they loved..... and which loved them right back.”

Amongst the nationalit­ies that took part in the production were locals originally from the Netherland­s, Poland, Brazil, South Africa, Italy, Germany, French Polynesia, Lithuania and France.

To hear or reproduce the recording go to:­c

 ??  ?? The late Tommy Baker RIP.
The late Tommy Baker RIP.

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