The Avondhu



The tendency to develop asthma and other allergies is genetic, but the condition itself is usually precipitat­ed by environmen­tal influences.

Factors which can adversely affect the developmen­t of the immune system in early childhood, such as excessive use of antibacter­ial cleaning products and frequent courses of antibiotic­s, may increase the risk of asthma and allergies in later life. Other triggering factors include anxiety, infection, pollution, frequent use of certain drugs such as paracetamo­l, poor diet, and excessive salt intake.

Asthma and allergy sufferers develop hypersensi­tivity of the respirator­y system, which causes spasmodic constricti­on of the bronchi and production of excess mucus. This leads to a sense of constricti­on in the lungs with wheezing and coughing. Research has revealed that many people with asthma and allergies find it difficult to control their symptoms.

However with the right treatment it is possible to effectivel­y control the symptoms. Medical herbalists take a holistic approach to treatment and provide individual­ly tailored prescripti­ons, combining a number of different herbs.

For example, antispasmo­dic and broncho-dilating herbs help to reduce coughing and wheezing, anticatarr­hal herbs deal with excess mucus production, while antimicrob­ial herbs such as thyme help to treat infections and reduce the need for antibiotic­s. Anti-allergy herbs are also helpful.

If you suffer from asthma or allergies, it is important to avoid the foods that commonly worsen allergic reactions, such as preserved meats, tomatoes, red-skinned berries, dairy products and citrus fruits. Reduce exposure to airborne irritants such as dust, animal hair, traffic fumes and cigarette smoke.

Ensure the diet includes plenty of oily fish and fresh fruit and vegetables and take a good quality supplement, which contains antioxidan­t nutrients such as vitamins A, C and E, selenium, zinc and magnesium. Probiotics have also been shown to reduce allergic conditions.

Marie Reilly is a qualified medical herbalist and nutritioni­st practicing in Lismore. To make an appointmen­t for a private consultati­on telephone 058-53200 or 087-9345910 or visit www.thelismore­

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