The Avondhu

AGM update


Glenroe GAA held their AGM adhering to Covid-19 protocols by holding the meeting over Microsoft Teams. The meeting was well attended and issues discussed included the 2019 AGM minutes and the 2020 agenda which included the finances of the club during the year, election of officers and committees, delegates for the South and Country Boards and the management teams for 2021.

The club officers for the year are as follow: chairman: Diarmuid McCarthy, vice chairman: Sean Hanley, secretary: Stephen Walsh, ass secretary: Colette Frewen, treasurer: Pajo McCarthy, ass treasurer: Gerard O’Kelly, registrar: David McCarthy, PRO: Ger Leahy, child welfare officer: Mark O’Connell, insurance officer: Laura Farrell, Irish and culture officer: Jean O’Connell, South Board and County Board delegates: Colette Frewen and Dave McCarthy.

The intermedia­te and U21s management from last year were ratified.


Glenroe GAA are excited to announce ‘Golf Classic Summer Fundraiser’ on July 8 and 9 in Tipperary Golf Club. This will be held in accordance with HSE guidelines. More details will follow, check out our social media platforms for upcoming additional details.


Membership for the upcoming year is €40 for adult players, non-players and €20 for students and OAPs. This payment can be done online via the link on our website and social media platforms or paid directly to any club officer.


The March (1st) Club Limerick Draw 2021 will take place on Saturday, March 27 during the Limerick Live 95 sports program. All other draws will take place on the last Saturday of each month. The deadline for accepting club membership changes will be Wednesday, March 17 at 4pm. Any change to membership after this time will not be guaranteed in the draw. The deadline for accepting news members will be Thursday, March 25 at 4pm.


The Glenroe GAA walking track remains open to provide a great place to walk and run during Covid-19 with sanitiser points throughout. Please note the coin meter for lights at night accepts €1 for 20 minutes of light. Please adhere to Covid-19 protocols while using the walking tracking.


Our club lotto jackpot stands at €8,800. This can be played online at Alternativ­ely, you can contact Diarmuid Coffey lotto chairman.


There are recent changes to Garda vetting renewal - now every 3 years as a result of charges in the law. For more informatio­n, please contact our child welfare officer Mark O’Connell.

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