The Avondhu

Active 8 class enthusiast­ically hit the gym after lockdown


When Mitchelsto­wn Leisure Centre reopened its doors on 7th June, manager Chris Gallahue told TheAvondhu that the group that were first to storm through the doors (figurative­ly, of course. Classes are still outdoors!) were the Active 8 Retirement class - a group of mostly ladies, generally in the over-60s bracket, who are enthusiast­ic and dedicated gym-goers.

For anyone who believes the gym is only for weight lifters and gazelle-like sprinters, it may be surprising to learn that the most dedicated cohort here is a group of lovely, chatty ladies with a commitment to strength training.

Anne Crowley, a long-time member, is vocal about the benefits of the class. “We’ve been coming here for years - is it three, five? Or a hundred! The class has been going a long time.”

The benefits of strength training as we age are more important than ever, as people are living longer, with much more active lifestyles than in times past. Lifting weights, no mater how light, prevents the loss of muscle mass, and contribute­s to mobility, balance and even mental sharpness.

Someone jokes that the only reason they keep coming is they ‘have nothing to do’. This is clearly not the case, as the group scatter to get hair done, get coffee, go shopping - this is not a leisurely interview!

Did they miss the class during lockdown?

“Oh God yes - you could be walking forever! The fitness and strength is really vital - it’s so important to be lifting a bit of weight. And Chris (the trainer) is fantastic - he always says, if you can’t lift the weight, just do the exercise without it.”

The group kept in touch by WhatsApp and text, but were eager to get back to the gym when it reopened. The classes are limited to 15, and the Active 8 group commend the centre on their handling of the class, while adhering to restrictio­n guidelines.

“We love the class outside - the fresh air is wonderful. We actually only had one wet day, and that wasn’t too bad at all”.

On Wednesday last week the class was all female. The men tend to stay away so far, but everyone is more than welcome and encouraged to join. All of the group stress that the exercise is important, but the social aspect is just as significan­t. Some even confess that they book their holidays around the Active 8 class schedule. Brenda Caffrey maintains that she has a retention rate of 100% whenever she recommends the class.

“It’s the social aspect - we’re all very active, and it’s wonderful to meet people every week. To anyone I would say - just join. Anyone I asked to join has stayed here anyway!”

 ?? (Pic: Marian Roche) ?? Members of the Active 8 Retirement group. Back row (l-r) Margaret Coughlan and Margaret Mary Coughlan’ middle row (l-r) Kathleen Mullins, Bridget Malone and Brenda Caffrey and front row (l-r) Carmel Lane, Mary Healy, Eileen May Casey, Ann Fox and Anne Crowley
(Pic: Marian Roche) Members of the Active 8 Retirement group. Back row (l-r) Margaret Coughlan and Margaret Mary Coughlan’ middle row (l-r) Kathleen Mullins, Bridget Malone and Brenda Caffrey and front row (l-r) Carmel Lane, Mary Healy, Eileen May Casey, Ann Fox and Anne Crowley

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