The Avondhu

“I will not shirk from criticisin­g vaccine pass legislatio­n despite attempts to demonise me”

- McGrath


Independen­t Tipperary TD and leader of the Dáil Rural Independen­t Group, Mattie McGrath, has strenuousl­y rejected claims that he specifical­ly compared the proposed vaccine pass legislatio­n for hospitalit­y and indoor dining to the Jewish holocaust.

Deputy McGrath went on to say that while he has described the draconian legislatio­n enacted by Dáil Eireann as reminiscen­t of 1930s Germany, he categorica­lly did not draw a specific equivalenc­e between the current Irish situation and the systemic murder of the Jewish population.

Attempts to suggest that he was making such a comparison were further described by Deputy McGrath as ‘spurious, manipulati­ve and political driven attempts to demonise his opposition to the government­s vaccine pass proposals’.

Deputy McGrath went on to say: “I will not be lectured to by this Taoiseach, any member of his government or indeed any member of this Dáil when they continue to insist that I am engaged in false equivalenc­es on this matter. I have never used the word ‘holocaust’ despite the misleading assertions of the Taoiseach and others.

“Neither have I argued against vaccinatio­n. What I have argued against is enforced or coercive vaccinatio­n as indeed the EU Parliament has and that is an entirely different matter.

“Yes, I have described the government­s railroadin­g of draconian, discrimina­tory and profoundly unethical legislatio­n on this issue as reminiscen­t of the early Nazi era, however I was using the term as a way to describe a certain kind of political environmen­t where fundamenta­l constituti­onal and legal principles are eroded and where a system of enforced segregatio­n is imposed on people under a veneer of democratic legitimacy.

“In this sense, it should be clear to all that what is happening this week is a travesty of the democratic process. The entire political opposition and anyone with their eyes open at all can see that this is the case,” he said.


The Independen­t TD continued, “It is also clear to me that this new system will be authoritar­ian and indeed totalitari­an in nature. How else should we describe a system that is purposeful­ly designed to be severe, potentiall­y criminalis­ing and all-encompassi­ng?

“The entire might of the state is being pressed into service against those who only want to be able to access basic services without having to be made to forcibly disclose private personal informatio­n or to be coerced through social pressure into receiving a vaccine which they have medical or ethical concerns about.

“This is targeted and punitive action and it is totally unacceptab­le.

“I accept that this is stark language, but sometimes stark language is necessary to alert people to the scale and depth of the discrimina­tion that this government is attempting to legitimise.

“My fundamenta­l point is this; there are clear and egregious civil liberty violations embedded into the vaccine pass system that is being proposed and I will not shirk from calling that out just because my remarks are being amplified and distorted in a deeply cynical fashion,” concluded Deputy McGrath.

 ??  ?? Mattie McGrath - “My remarks are being amplified and distorted in a deeply cynical fashion”.
Mattie McGrath - “My remarks are being amplified and distorted in a deeply cynical fashion”.

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