The Avondhu

Disappoint­ing news for Kildorrery on water tower


There was some disappoint­ing news for residents of Kildorrery village this week, as it was confirmed by Cork County Council that work on a new water reservoir would not commence in either 2021 or 2022.

Irish Water had the Kildorrery Water Tower on a priority list of four reservoir projects along with Kerry Pike, Killeagh and Ballyellis (Mallow). This year, only two of the schemes (Kerry Pike and Killeagh) have been approved funding and are due to commence in late 2021 or early 2022.

Kildorrery has yet to receive funding approval from Irish Water Asset Planning, and so it is not possible to provide a commenceme­nt date for the work.

Noreen Dunne, chairperso­n of Kildorrery Community Developmen­t, expressed the disappoint­ment and frustratio­n of the community at the announceme­nt.

“Well, of course we are disappoint­ed. We’ve been promised for years that works would be progressin­g, for years we’ve had issues with water pressure and supply. The water pressure has improved a bit, but still a new reservoir is needed urgently”.

A report carried in TheAvondhu in 2016 noted that Irish Water had indicated that the reservoir would be completed by December 2016.

Cllr Frank O’Flynn, who is a longtime campaigner for the project, expressed his disappoint­ment at the news.

“I’m disappoint­ed, but I am asking Irish Water to ensure that Kildorrery be included in the next tranche of funding. It’s essential for residents, businesses and the farming community in the village.

“The present tower is leaking, and the amount of waste is unbelievab­le. Irish Water have everything in place, the planning permission, the costings, it’s just funding approval we’re waiting for.”

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