The Avondhu

Sleep and wellbeing

- BY CAROLINE McATEER Next column: Mindful Eating

A good night’s sleep is incredibly important for your health. In fact, sleep is just as important as eating, healthy and exercising, allowing much needed repair of our bodies overnight. Poor sleep is linked to physical problems such as a weakened immune system, and mental health problems such as anxiety and depression.

According to research almost a third of us drag ourselves out of bed in the morning indicating we haven’t got enough good quality sleep at night, which affects mood, productivi­ty and concentrat­ion levels during the day.

There is a lot that can interfere with natural sleep patterns and unfortunat­ely people are now sleeping less than they did in the past, with sleep quality also decreasing. So just why is getting the optimal 7-8 hours sleep each night so important for our health and well-being?


When you are well rested, you are less hungry. Poor sleep affects hormones that regulate appetite and when you are tired you are less likely to want to exercise.


Better sleep is shown to significan­tly improve speed, accuracy, reaction times and mental wellbeing. Sleep is when your muscles repair and lack of sleep just saps your motivation. Proper rest sets you up for your best performanc­e.


At least 8 hours’ sleep can improve your immune function and help fight off the flu or common cold.


Refreshing slumber helps you hit the reset button on a bad day, improve your outlook on life, and be better prepared to meet challenges. You also become a nicer person to be around!


While you sleep, your blood pressure drops, giving your heart and blood vessels a bit of a rest. The less sleep you get, the longer your blood pressure stays up during a 24-hour cycle. Higher blood pressure can lead to heart disease. So do your heart a favour and prioritize sleep!

Sleep is an investment in the quality of your life and is one of the foundation­s of good health, prioritise it today.

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