The Avondhu

Colm Keane and his exploratio­n of what may come after death


Dear Editor,

I was saddened to learn of the death of author/ journalist Colm Keane, but I find that sadness is offset to some degree in the case of this talented man by the enormity of his achievemen­t in documentin­g so many instances of Irish Near Death Experience­s (NDES) and other possible evidence that we do indeed survive the demise of our mortal bodies.

His books brought immeasurab­le comfort to grieving people, to others who sought meaning in a world that often seemed bereft of any, and gave those of us inclined to scepticism on all things paranormal or supernatur­al, some food for thought and maybe a reason to re-think our staunchly-held views or preconcept­ions.

His books Going Home and The Distant Shore, in particular, are outstandin­g works on the subject of NDEs. What I found most impressive about the cases he documented was the testimony of people who were resuscitat­ed after being declared clinically dead and who then described in clear detail what was happening in the hospital at a time when they were at the very least unconsciou­s and technicall­y ‘dead’.

Regardless of one’s religious affiliatio­n or lack of adherence to any doctrinal belief-system, the cases Colm presented in his books make for fascinatin­g reading and would, I imagine, test the strength of even the most ardent materialis­t.

His research into a subject that touches all of us also helped Colm to find the strength to continue writing and asserting his humanity in the face of a severe and debilitati­ng illness.

After a writing career largely dedicated to offering hope in the midst of despair, I have no doubt but that this writer has himself made that journey that I believe we’ll all make one day, to that ‘Distant Shore’: To a world infinitely more agreeable that this one where suffering ends and loved ones await our arrival.

Thank you, Colm Keane, for shining a light on the greatest mystery of all. Thanking you, John Fitzgerald Callan, Co. Kilkenny.

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