The Avondhu

New start for Rathcormac Community Council cards


We at long last look like we can again start up our Cards in Rathcormac. Our plan now is to start back on Tuesday, 15th February at our usual start off time of 8.15pm all going well between now and then.

We thought we were returning on Tuesday, 2nd November but under the circumstan­ces of increasing numbers of cases, outbreaks and even more importantl­y hospitalis­ations at that time the Committee felt we had no option but to put off the opening. We realise this must have been disappoint­ing to you all as it was to us but the safety of you all could not be risked in those circumstan­ces.

We hope we can now look forward to see and greet you all on the 15th. We hope you are all well and in good form. From Frank, Richie, May, Rita and Jim and all in the Rathcormac Community Council. Good luck and stay safe now and always.

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