The Avondhu

Truckers mandate


Dear Editor,

Sad to say the truckers are doing what the doctors should and could have done throughout the developed world.

Tanks and tear-gas in France, with a €90 fine for those who dare utter the word ‘freedom’, while protesting in Paris is now made illegal. Parts of Europe have descended into fascism again after 80 years.

Those who are vaxed are protected or so we are told by the HSE, NPHET, NIAC and the Gov. They cannot therefore be at risk from the unvaxed, otherwise the HSE, NPHET, NIAC and the Gov have been telling us big porky pies from the beginning. Albett Einstein said that “blind obedience to authority is the greatest enemy of the truth, and I can see that they want to throttle the truth.” Never truer than today regarding the vaccine.

Yours, Kevin T Finn, Kingston Close, Mitchelsto­wn, Co Cork.

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