The Avondhu

Vaccine and the public


Dear Sir,

The practice of public health medicine is informed by the findings of scientific research, which is an ongoing process. Vaccines in general and particular­ly Covid19 vaccinatio­ns have become a very emotive subject in recent years. This has been reflected in the content of the letters page of your publicatio­n, as the pandemic evolved.

I would like to inform your readers that the research to date has found the Covid vaccine is safe and is protective from severe disease. It is safe and effective for children also. Covid-19 can be a serious and fatal disease in children, especially, but not exclusivel­y in those with underlying medical problems.

The more people that are vaccinated the more effective the vaccine becomes. It is one of the best methods currently available to control Covid.

The W.H.O. and the US Centre for Disease Control (C.D.C.) have excellent websites that your readers may wish to consult, especially those parents who are struggling to decide on what’s best for their own children.

Finally, I would like to acknowledg­e and thank you for the important role your publicatio­n played in the initial stages of the pandemic, when you facilitate­d the local GPs in disseminat­ing health guidance to the local community.

Regards, Joe Moran, Retired GP,


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