The Avondhu

Planning granted for mobile home storage, sale and repair yard


Permission has been granted for the constructi­on of a mobile home storage, sale and repair yard on the Ballyhooly Road, Glanworth.

A warehouse shed and prefabrica­ted site office unit have also been granted at the same location as part of the planning applicatio­n.

Site works include the raising of levels by the importatio­n of granular fill and a small element of cut, with materials generated from the cut used within the developmen­t and for landscapin­g and boundary treatment. The proposal also includes a vehicular entrance off the Ballyhooly Road and all associated site, drainage and developmen­t works.

Planning permission for the developmen­t was originally submitted to Cork County Council on May 21 last year. Further informatio­n requests by the council, along with an extension request for same, saw a delay in a final decision being issued.

Planning for the mobile home storage, sale and repair yard was recently granted permission by the council, subject to 38 conditions.

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