The Avondhu

Women’s careers – northern nations lead the way


The top European country for female career progressio­n, sees Northern nations as leaders in fostering female career advancemen­t.

This is according to new research, conducted by experts at Claims., that delved into gender gap data sourced from the World Economic Forum (WEF) to pinpoint the most progressiv­e country for female employment. 46 European countries underwent a detailed review, receiving a total score out of 100 based on factors such as female income, representa­tion of women in parliament, and opportunit­ies for career advancemen­t.

Iceland leads as Europe’s best nation for female employees with a score of 86.49 out of 100, with its 190,000 female population earning approximat­ely €40,500 annually – twice that of Greece. The Althing, Iceland’s national parliament, consists of 47.6% women and for more than half of the last 50 years, Iceland has witnessed the leadership of female prime ministers and Vigdís Finnbogadó­ttir - the world's first inaugural elected female president. Behind Albania, Iceland secures the second-highest position for wage equality and boasts the third-best ranking in the advancemen­t of women to leadership roles across Europe.

Finland secures the second-best European ranking at 81.72 out of 100, featuring a parliament­ary makeup with 45.50% women, half of whom hold ministeria­l roles. Over the past five decades, the country has seen 16 years of female leadership, including President Tarja Halonen's twelve-year tenure. Finland holds an average annual income of about €36,500 for women, surpasses men in employment rates at 74.1%, and has 13% of companies with women in top managerial positions.

Norway, ranking third at 68.97 out of 100, offers a salary 35.6% higher than Finland at €49,500 annually, also earning a score of 5.69 out of 7 for female advancemen­t to leadership roles. The Storting, Norway's parliament, includes 45% women, with 38.8% holding ministeria­l positions. Over the past 50 years, Norway has seen 18 years of female leadership, led by Erna Solberg and Gro Harlem Brundtland. With nearly three-quarters of Norwegian women active in the labour market, the nation provides affordable childcare and safeguards employment rights.

These are followed by Sweden in 4th (scoring 65.16 out of 100), Albania (62.93), Switzerlan­d ( 62.57), Lithuania (60.06), Ireland at 58.17, Denmark at 55.49 and Belgium at 54.78.

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