The Avondhu

Concerns over possible loss of free parking in Cahir


The proposed introducti­on of parking charges in Cahir is proving a matter of ‘huge concern’ according to Independen­t candidate for the Cahir Local Electoral area, Tom Hennessy, something he plans ‘fighting’ against, if elected in the upcoming local elections.

Many local businesses and residents of Cahir town have contacted him about the issue, he claims.

“I was contacted by four different business owners last week after I announced I was running in the local election and sat down with a group of them on Saturday,” Mr Hennessy told TheAvondhu this week. “All I can say is the dismissive way their concerns have been treated shows the complete lack of respect the current local council have for their opinions. These people are the lifeblood of any town and some of them have been in business for 50 years. They have paid huge rates and massive amounts in employee PRSI and other charges that all business owners know too well.”

Stating that there appears to be “a ‘ cosy cartel’ at national level and local level that prefer to be ‘yes men’ and ‘women’, rather than standing up for their electorate”, he stated it was 'not good enough'.

“I know that figures of up to €2 per hour have been quoted by sources. This is not acceptable. You only have to look at Clonmel, Thurles to see the absolute disaster that parking charges have been. My own business is on the Main Street in Clonmel and my patients can’t even park for 5 minutes to drop in a broken denture to be repaired. It is not good enough and on my election, I will be fighting for at least one hour free parking in Cahir,” he concluded.

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