The Avondhu

Great win for U16s


Our U16 played their first round of North Cork League meeting Abhainn Dalla away in Kanturk on Wednesday evening last week. The first half was nip and tuck for the first 20 minutes until we got our second goal which put daylight between the teams and we led at half-time 2-06 to 2-01. We came out fighting in the second half and we quickly pulled away with some great scores and the girls didn't let up, running out comfortabl­e winners on a scoreline of 6-10 to 3-02

Team: Alisha Roche, Sophia Newelle, Dalicia Kisambu, Sorcha Madden, Erica Hanrahan, Leah Burke, Ava Nolan, Katie Linehan, Nessa Bradley (0-01), Ciara Moloney, Emma Gibson (1-04), Niamh O’Sullivan (1-02), Cameron McCann, Orlaith O’Connell (2-03), Niamh Walsh (1-0), Shona O’Farrell, Abigail O’Dwyer, Chloe O’Dwyer.

Unfortunat­ely, with the closure of the pitch again due to weather, the U13 game was called off as with the Juniors with their away fixture with Ballincoll­ig.


U16 v St Peters, venue home, on Monday 15th at 7pm.


This weekend we have our Annual Sponsored Walk on Sunday at 3pm. It is our most important fundraiser of the year and a great family outing for all. We will walk the ring around the village, starting and ending in the clubhouse. From 2.30pm the clubhouse will be open for a cuppa and to drop back your cards. Tom Barret (Chairman) will lead the walk. Please wear your hi-viz. Your support is greatly appreciate­d as this is a massive help with the ever increasing cost of running the club. Thank you so much. Prizes on the day!

 ?? ?? Glanworth U16s, recorded a great league win last week.
Glanworth U16s, recorded a great league win last week.

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