The Avondhu

Double loss for T.O. Park


Just a few weeks ago our great friend and supporter passed to his eternal reward - up in heaven no doubt. It was of course Dick O’Sullivan. Quiet and kind, a pure gentleman, Dick was with us from the start.

He loved especially the dancing and would arrive early. First in the door he always had a special seat in the hall right beside the stove. Should anybody occupy that position they would be told to move “that’s Dick’s chair”. He would then have a cuppa, chat and make himself at home. The band didn’t seem to matter, he always came.

To his dear wife and entire family, all at the park extend deep sympathy. Dick we all miss you and mourn your passing. No more will your tall and stately figure come through the door. You are gone, never to be replaced.

May you rest in peace, if there is dancing up in heaven you will indeed be first in.

Sad as it was to lose Dick, our loss and sadness is now compounded by the passing of another dear friend, Helen Masterson.

Again, with us from the very beginning, Helen was indeed a lady of high degree, loved and respected by all especially her adoring family. Why wouldn’t she be. Kind, generous, out-going and great fun to be with. Helen had it all.

Before her illness, Helen travelled on several trips with us both at home and abroad. Cool, calm and collected she loved to live, like living is all about. Up for everything she could make things happen and did so in many of those trips. We all loved her dearly. She will be greatly missed and mourned firstly by her family and by her army of friends and admirers in many quarters.

To each and all we extend deep sympathy. May she rest in peace. We salute and thank you Helen for all the great good you gave us at the park over the years. (T.O.)

 ?? ?? Helen Masterson. RIP.
Helen Masterson. RIP.
 ?? ?? Dick O’Sullivan. RIP.
Dick O’Sullivan. RIP.

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