The Avondhu

'Disorderly conduct' at Mitchelsto­wn Market highlighte­d


‘Disorderly conduct’ has been called out at the weekly market which takes place at New Square in Mitchelsto­wn.

Speaking at Tuesday’s meeting of the Fermoy Municipal District, Cllr Deirdre O’Brien outlined that some traders are conducting business in the square in a disorderly manner and that rubbish is being left behind following the day's business.

She noted that the market is ‘long-establishe­d’ and is an attraction in the town, noting that many of the traders are conforming, however, she highlighte­d some issues currently being experience­d.

“The through roads in the square can sometimes become impassible with traders spreading their wares out. Also recently, I've noticed that they've been displaying their wares on the canopies which are recreation canopies in the square,” Cllr O’Brien said.

Querying whether the rubbish left behind could be gathered in a pile and collected by the council, Cllr Kay Dawson objected to the suggestion.

Cllr Dawson outlined that traders must take their rubbish away with them, pointing to a previous system in the town where the community council and county council arranged such a system, but saw an excess of rubbish being left behind.

“They were leaving all their stuff from whatever trade they had been at the day before. They have to take home their waste the same as everybody else has to and we have to find a means of enforcing that,” Cllr Dawson said.


Municipal district officer, Margaret O’Donoghue, confirmed that Cork County Council are currently taking legal advice on areas where trading rights exist.

She noted that signage is in place over the canopies, advising that they are seating areas only and that a letter drop to traders is due to take place, reminding them of their responsibi­lities and requesting cooperatio­n.

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